Filed in: knowledge sharing

Global Development Conference*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Global Development Conference, organized by the Global Development Network (GDN), aims to gather the world’s most influential researchers, corporate leaders and political figures on a common platform where they can interact with each other and discuss the most pressing challenges in social and economic development. Formerly the conference was abbreviated

High-Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Sharing (HLM on CLKS)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The biennial High-Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Sharing (HLM on CLKS), formerly the High-Level Meeting on (Towards) Country-led Knowledge Hubs (HLM), is now a key activity under the Global Partnership for Knowledge Sharing (GPKS) which is part of the Knowledge Sharing for Results (KS4R) Program, hosted by the World Bank’s South-South Experience Exchange Facility (‘South-South