Abstract: Sponsored by the cross-government Knowledge Management Working Group, working sessions were held through the year 2000 and continuing into 2001 to build an understanding of the concepts, roles, and importance of Knowledge Management. Participants from these sessions came from government, industry, and academia. The “stories” of the processes used and the results of
learning objectives
Knowledge organization and classification education
Abstract: Each objective listed in courses entirely or partially dedicated to knowledgeorganization (KO) and bibliographic classification in 30 distinct LIS programs was categorized as to: 1. its nature; 2. its subject; 3. its focus; 4. its taxonomic level. The results tend to reinforce observations made over the past 30 years in relation to KO
Learning Objectives for a Government Knowledge Management Certification Course
Abstract: In December 2000, the Knowledge Management Working Group (KMWG) invited industry and academic partners who have active KM certification programs to join government representatives in identifying criteria for a government-approved KM certification program. This eclectic group identified 14 learning objectives important to KM certification, including necessary areas of competence, ways to facilitate the