Université Paris-Sud (Paris 11)
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The Université Paris-Sud (Paris 11; English: University of Paris-South), originally part of the Université de Paris, now integrated into the Université Paris-Saclay (UPS)1), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Faculté Jean Monnet (Droit – Economie – Gestion) > Laboratoire Réseaux Innovation Territoires et Mondialisation (RITM) > Chaire Européenne de Management de l’Immatériel (European Chair on Intangibles)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master 2 Innovation Entreprise et Société – Parcours : Management du Capital Immatériel (CI; Immaterial Capital Management)**
- Information systems
- Valorisation & Pilotage dans le contexte de crise, 3 avril 2009, Paris, France
Les actifs immatériels des SI : Criticité et Maturité de pilotage
Les actifs immatériels de SI : Valorisation et Pilotage
- Valorisation & Pilotage dans le contexte de crise, 3 avril 2009, Paris, France
- Organisational capital and organisational design
- One-day topic-specific workshop on Organisational Capital
- International Workshop on “Knowledge Markets, knowledge networks and the joint Assets Issue”, 30 June 2010, Sceaux, France
Workshop Sessions:
Conditions of formation of knowledge networks
Knowledge markets against Networks?
The transparency issue and the new business models
Performance Measurement
- Intellectual property, knowledge networks and markets, and communities
- Cultures, museums and traditional knowledge
- Open Innovation
- Regions, cities and ‘Creative Classes’
- Intellectual assets and the public sector
- Les actifs immatériels publics au cœur de la modernisation au service des usagers, 1 juin 2011, Paris, France
Savoir-faire et marques publics : illustrations et bonnes pratiques: (tables rondes)
Les savoir-faire publics
Les marques publiques et la perception des usagersLe pilotage des actifs immatériels publics: (tables rondes)
Le pilotage des actifs immatériels des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche
Développer des outils de pilotage du patrimoine immatériel public
- Les actifs immatériels publics au cœur de la modernisation au service des usagers, 1 juin 2011, Paris, France
Tailormade courses designed to address the various component parts of intellectual capital:
- Management and value creation for industrial property assets (with the emphasis on patents and brands)
- Management and value creation for information systems
- Management and value creation for organisational assets
- Management and value creation for relationship-based assets (with the emphasis on customer capital)
- The design of creativity incentive systems and the dissemination of knowledge, with the emphasis on expert knowledge (based on the ‘Hau-Ba’ model)
- World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy (IC)* 2)
The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities (IC), sub-titled with “Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy”, explores the challenges and opportunities stemming from today’s increasingly knowledge-based economy. The event is designed as a platform for the exchanges of views, to promote learning among key stakeholders from around the world, and to consider an agenda for transnational and trans-institutional research and action for the future.
- Franco-German Round Table on Intangibles**
(Co-organizer: New Club of Paris e.V.; Chaire Européenne de Management de l’Immatériel, Université Paris-Sud; Geographisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)- Franco-German Roundtable on Intangibles, September 26, 2011, Paris, France
- Franco-German Roundtable on Intangibles, September 17, 2012, Heidelberg, Germany
- Franco-German Roundtable on Intangibles, November 22, 2013, Paris, France