California State University Northridge (CSUN)

Within the US-based California State University Northridge (CSUN, Cal State Northridge, or C-Sun)1) the Tseng College of Extended Learning (ExL) develops and offers exemplary study opportunities, credit and noncredit, which are rooted in the university’s scholarship and teaching and are designed to ensure that the individuals, communities and organizations served by the university achieve their lifelong learning goals.
The Tseng College of Extended Learning offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Knowledge Management (Online; For contract only!)2)
- Southern California Aerospace Industry Knowledge Management Exchange Group (SCAIKME or SoCal KM Exchange)*3)
Web Channels
- KM, Healthcare & CSUN KM
The most recent issue of Time Magazine (Monday Oct 26, 2009) has an article relevant to KM titled “A healthy way to pay doctors.” It's also relevant to CSUN's Master's in KM program.htt … - CSUN Graduates first Master's in KM on-line cohort
KM is alive and thriving at California State University Northridge. We have just graduated our first completely on-line cohort from our Master's in KM (MKM) program and are now in the midst of re … - Collaboration and Complex Challenges
A friend of mine Andre Martin co-authored a research white paper on 10 Trends in Leadership Development when he was a research associate at the Center for Creative Leadership. The study asked 247 seni …
What do midshipman, Generation Y and the CSUN Faculty have in common?Three members of the CSUN faculty had the opportunity to meet with midshipment and faculty from the US Naval Academy to discuss lea …- The Second Annual Southern California Knowledge Management Forum
A lot has happened since we last posted on the CSUN KM Blog. It's about time to tell you a little of what is going on in the program. The second “cohort” of students is now half-way the KM Master … - Distance Learning Global Master's Degee in Knowledge Management at California State University Northridge
A growing number of private sector and nonprofit organizations are implementing Knowledge Management (KM) programs. Consequently, there are a growing number of career opportunities in this innovative … - Distinguished Faculty
The Knowledge Management Distance Learning program faculty and the program’s advisory board are drawn from recognized industry practitioners who have worked on KM issues at organizations such as Pratt … - Course Work
KM 610, The Information and Knowledge Professionalin the Information WorldThis course provides an introduction to Knowledge Management (KM) as practiced today. Real-world situations will be used where …
- Tracey Wik – CSUN Distance Learning Master's Degree in KM
- Mike Prevou – CSUN Distance Learning Master's Degree in KM
- Mary Woodley – CSUN Distance Learning Master's Degree in KM
- Melanie Williams – CSUN Distance Learning Master's Degree in KM
- Paul Krivonos – CSUN Distance Learning Master's Degree in KM
- Kiho Sohn – CSUN Distance Learning Master's Degree in KM
- Abe Feinberg – CSUN Distance Learning Master's Degree in KM
Note: Watch these and other videos relevant to Knowledge Management education and training on the KMedu Hub’s video channels on YouTube or vimeo.
- Kiho Sohn – Chief Knowledge Officer at Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, Inc.
Knowledge Management posted a photo: Event sponsered by the Distance Learning Global Master's Degree in Knowledge Management at California State University Northridge t … - Dr. Tom Soderstrom of JPL NASA – Presentation on "Collaboration 2.0 – Lessons for the Enterprise"
Knowledge Management posted a photo: Event sponsered by the Distance Learning Global Master's Degree in Knowledge Management at California State University Northridge t … - A Few Warm Words from Dean Joyce Feucht-Haviar
Knowledge Management posted a photo: Event sponsered by the Distance Learning Global Master's Degree in Knowledge Management at California State University Northridge t … - Dr. Tyler Blake of CSU Northridge – Presentation on Distance Learning Systems
Knowledge Management posted a photo: Event sponsered by the Distance Learning Global Master's Degree in Knowledge Management at California State University Northridge t … - Knowledge Sharing = Learning
Knowledge Management posted a photo: Event sponsered by the Distance Learning Global Master's Degree in Knowledge Management at California State University Northridge t …
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