International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
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The International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) 1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Worldwide Chapters
- Brazil (since 2007), China, Czech Republic*, Czechoslovakia / Slovakia*, France (since 1996), Deutsche Sektion (Germany + Austria + Switzerland) (since 1989), Iberico (Spain (since 1993) + Portugal) (since 2013), India (since 1990), Iran, Italy (since 2004), Kenya (since 2023), the Low Countries (covering Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands) (since 2019), Maghreb (Tunisia + Algeria + Morocco) (since 2010), Nordic Chapter (Denmark + Finland + Faeroe Islands + Iceland + Norway + Sweden)* (2007-2011), North America (Canada + USA) (since 2009), Poland (since 1995), Russia*, South America*, Singapore (since 2015), United Kingdom (since 2007), West Africa (since 2017)
- Local contacts in: Australia, Hungary, Georgia, Northern Europe, Russia, Slovakia
Scientific and Technical Advisory Council (STAC) working groups
- Subject Access Metadata / Guidelines for the effective use of subject metadata in discovery systems (since 2023)
- Annual Review of Knowledge Organization (ARKO; since 2023)
- Education in Knowledge Organization (KO) across disciplines (information science, education linguistics, computer science, medical informatics, …) (since 2024)
- Joint working group with DARIAH-EU (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts & Humanities)
- Knowledge Organization (KO) support for the movement for social justice (planned)
- Knowledge Organization (KO) for learning (planned)
- Knowledge Organization (KO) support for sustainability (planned)
- Knowledge Organization (KO) support for crisis management (planned)
- Knowledge Organization (KO) support for dealing with misinformation on social media (planned)
- Knowledge Organization (KO) support for information and education on healthy behavior (planned)
- Knowledge Organization (KO) support for team science, especially interdisciplinary teams (planned)
- Semantic technologies in publishing, sharing and accessing Knowledge Organization Systems (planned)
- Terminology shifts in Knowledge Organization Systems and management of semantic shift over-time (planned)
- Knowledge Organization System representation standards and Knowledge Organization System ontologies (planned)
- Knowledge Organization (KO) and subject access in information retrieval (planned)
- Information behavior in relation to Knowledge Organization (KO) (planned)
- Knowledge Organization System visualization/GUI (planned)
Int’l conference in even years; Chapter conferences in uneven years
- International Society for Knowledge Organization Conference (ISKO)*
- 1st European ISKO Conference 1994, September 14-16, 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia
(Organizer: ISKO Slovak Chapter)
Conference Theme: Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management – Classification, Terminology, Thesauri and Software-
Inter- and Transdisciplinary Aspects
Catalogues of Data Sources
National Environmental Information Systems
Classification Systems and Thesauri in the Environmental Sciences
Standardization and Legal Provisions
Conceptual Bases of Environmental Knowledge Organization
Glossaries and Databases in Special Fields
Knowledge Organization in Special Fields
Software and Multilingual Tools
Environmental Education Programs
Environmental Networking on an International and National Scale
Approaches to Harmonize Environmental Information - ISKO Chapters’ Conferences
(As for the active chapters and their conferences pls. refer to the chapter pages)- Russian Chapter
- 4th Russian ISKO Conference 1999, May 1999, Moscow, Russia
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization in Culture and Art-
- 3rd Russian ISKO Conference 1997, 12 June 1997, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine
Conference Theme: Linguistic Support of Information Retrieval Systems-
Conference Sessions:
Classification systems
Linguistics problems
Information retrieval systemsPanel discussion:
ISKO activities in Russia - 2nd Russian ISKO Conference 1995, May 15-18, 1995, Moscow, Russia
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization and Linguistic Aspects-
- 1st Russian ISKO Conference 1993, May 10-13, 1993, Moscow, Russia
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization: Problems and Tendencies-
- 4th Russian ISKO Conference 1999, May 1999, Moscow, Russia
- Czechoslovak Chapter (NISKO)
- 1st International Conference on Knowledge Organization, Terminology, and Information Access Management (NISKO ’91), May 13-16, 1991, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
Pre-/post-conference Seminars:
Micro CDS /ISIS software and its applications
TermNet SeminarSections:
Knowledge organization, information access and retrieval
The relationship of terminology and information access and retrieval tools
- 1st International Conference on Knowledge Organization, Terminology, and Information Access Management (NISKO ’91), May 13-16, 1991, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
- Russian Chapter
- Annual General Meeting incl. Biennial General Assembly (in conjunction with the ISKO Int’l Conference)
- Jul 2023: 20th ISKO Annual Meeting
- ISKO STAC working group meetings
- ISKO ARKO: May 31, 2023, June 1, 2023