The Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS; English: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul), formerly the Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (English: Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul)1), rooted in the Faculdade de Ciências Políticas e Econômicas (English: Faculty of Political and Economic Sciences) and the Instituto
Regional Institute of Information and Knowledge Management (RIIKM)
The Regional Institute of Information and Knowledge Management (RIIKM)1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
WissensTransferCamp (WTC)*
Das WissensTransferCamp (WTC), organisiert von der Beratungsfirma Cogneon, ist die Nachfolgeveranstaltung des Expert Debriefing Moderator:innen Meetup (EDMOD Meetup) bzw. des Treffens der “Expert Debriefing Benchmark Gruppe” oder “Expert Debriefing Benchlearning Gruppe”, das nur den von Cogneon ausgebildeten Expert Debriefing Moderator:innen vorbehalten war. Es fokussiert mit Impulsvorträgen und selbstorganisierten Sessions auf das Themenfeld Expert Debriefing und
Knowledge Aware Conference (KAConf)*
The Knowledge Aware Conference (KAConf, Knowledge Aware or KA Conference), also known as the Auros Knowledge Aware Conference, formerly the Auros Knowledge Aware Engineering Conference (KAE Conference) and the Auros Engineering Knowledge Management Conference, is an annual two-day event that brings hundreds of leading organizations and engineering experts together to explore the Knowledge Aware approach.
International Knowledge Aware Association (IKAA)
The International Knowledge Aware Association (IKAA), initiated by Auros Knowledge Systems,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training