Hong Kong Knowledge Management Forum (HKKMF)*
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The Hong Kong Knowledge Management Forum (HKKMF, HK Knowledge Management Forum, or Hong Kong KM Forum) 1) – The Independent Think Tank on Managing in the Knowledge Economy – engages in advocacy of areas such as knowledge economy, intellectual capital, innovation, knowledge management across different sectors in the society. The forum is independent and receives no public/government funding. It operates thanks to volunteers, private donations and receives sponsorships and participation fees for public events and community-based activities.
The Hong Kong Knowledge Management Forum (HKKMF) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Morning or evening meetings (every fourth Thursday a month)
- May 2001: HKKMF Meeting TBD
- Apr 2001: HKKMF Meeting TBD
- Mar 2001: HKKMF Meeting TBD
- Feb 2001: 2 HKKMF meetings TBD
- Aug 2000: Knowledge Management and Innovation Processes
- Apr 2000: Intranets for Knowledge Sharing – Lessons learnt in HK Companies
- Mar 2000: Intranets for Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration
- Sep 1999: Developing Knowledge in China: Recent Studies on Cooperation and Conflict @ PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Aug 1999: Getting started with Knbowledge Management projects: experiences from companies in Hong Kong (panel discussion)
- Jul 1999: Intellectual Capital at the cutting edge: News from an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) international symposium
- Feb 1999: (1st meeting) Measuring the Value of Organisational Knowledge @ Poon Kam Kai Institute of Management (PKKI), University of Hong Kong
- CEO Knowledge Management Symposium, March 5, 2008, Hong Kong
Symposium Theme: Creating Value Through Innovation, Knowledge and Design
(organized by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (Digital, Information & Telecommunications Committee, Industry & Technology Committee, and SME Committee) and the Hong Kong KM Forum) - Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC)** (1999-2008) 2)
The Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference is the annual event for researchers and practitioners interested in kowledge management developments in the region. It serves as forum for networking, information exchange, and to review new developments and ideas in the knowledge management field.