Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to explore the changes in library education in the context of the emergence of both information science and knowledge management. This paper is based on the review of scientific literature published in books, journals, websites, and other secondary sources and on the authors own viewpoints. The
knowledge economy
International Conference of the Department of Library and Information Studies (DLIS)*
The biennial International Conference of the Department of Library and Information Studies (DLIS) at the University of Botswana aims at discussing the whole spectrum of records, information and knowledge management that will help individuals and organizations to be at a competitive edge in the global knowledge economy and be able to achieve the Sustainable Development
Knowledge brokers in not-for-profit inter-organisational communities of practice
Abstract: This study contributes an original, practice-based analysis of knowledge brokering in inter-organisational Knowledge brokering in the not-for-profit sector. Defining characteristics of the not-for-profit sector include its social values, principles and practices. Existing literature understates or overlooks the significance of values and principles that are manifested in and enlivened through every day social practices
ASIS&T panel on Challenges in Knowledge Management Education
Abstract: One of the characteristics of knowledge-based economy is the rapid pace of change that affects our lives, organizations, and society in general. The rapid increase in communication technologies and information has created an overflow of information and knowledge. Cultural, social, and technological changes and economic pressures have produced a fast-changing environment, particularly in
Knowledge Economy Forum (KEF)**
The Knowledge Economy Forum (KEF; Arabic: منتدى الاقتصاد المعرفي) or Kuwait Knowledge Economy Forum (KKEF), formerly the National Conference on Knowledge Economy, is organized by the Knowledge Economy Forum (KEF) foundation in co-operation with the Kuwaiti Supreme Council for Planning and Development (SCPD). SCPD has initiated the conference series as part of their National Project