Aslib – The Association for Information Management*
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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

Aslib – The Association for Information Management, formerly the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (Aslib), since 2010 a division of Emerald Group Publishing,1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Open / On-site / One-to-one Workshops
- Collaborative Knowledge Creation Tools for Library and Information Services: Impact and Engagement
- Knowledge Harvesting, Transfer and Retention
- Practical Knowledge Management for Information Professionals2)
- Building and Deploying a Corporate Taxonomy
- Implementing Knowledge Management Initiatives
- Knowledge Architecture: An Exploratory Workshop
- Organising Digital Information and Knowledge
- Information Architecture
- Knowledge Management
- Enterprise Information Architecture: an introduction
- Knowledge Management Forum
- Knowledge Mapping…the Next Step
- Knowledge Organisation for Knowledge Management
- Knowledgeware on Trial
Special Interest Groups
- Aslib Knowledge and Information Management Network (KIMNET) 3)
- Aslib Information Resources Management Network (IRMNET) 3)
Aslib KIMNET Bi-monthly open meetings
- Sep 2006: From fire-fighting to organisational problem-solving
- Jul 2006: Knowledge Management under pressure
- May 2006: Knowledge Management in complex project environments
- Mar 2006: Knowledge Management and new ways of working
- Jan 2006: The limits of Knowledge Management
- Nov 2005: Delivering real value from Information Management & Knowledge Management: gaining and sustaining senior management support
- Sep 2005: Practical experience of implementing KM in changing times
- Jul 2005: Information and knowledge architecture – the essential blueprint
- May 2005: Making space for knowledge
- Mar 2005: Weaving knowledge into the organisational fabric
- Jan 2005: Preservation and re-use of knowledge
Robert Workman, BNFL - Nov 2004: Developing a world class knowledge resource: the British Library in the 21st century
- Sep 2004: Open up! Meeting the challenge of the Freedom of Information Act
- Jul 2004: Knowledge Management: Where now? Where next?
- May 2004: Classification and taxonomies within BBC New Media
- Mar 2004: Developing category lists
- Jan 2004: Turning knowledge into a commercial proposition
- Dec 2003: The Knowledge Café
- Oct 2003: The Knowledge Network – joined up government in action
- Jul 2003: Practical, living taxonomies
- May 2003: Communities and information professionals – knowledge at the coalface
- Mar 2003: Making knowledge visible – information products, the neglected information asset
- Jan 2003: A knowledge management journey – from web to workplace/li>
Aslib IRMNET meetings
- …?…
- March 2002: The 5 Do’s and 5 Don’ts of Knowledge Management: An interactive session to make Knowledge Management simpler for us all
- Sep 2001: Knowledge Transfer
- May 2001: Corporate Taxonomies – Their Building and Use
- Jan 2001: The Attributes of Information as an Asset
- …?…
- ASLIB Knowledge & Information Strategy Summit (AKISS), 5-6 December 2013, The British Library, London, United Kingdom
The ASLIB Knowledge & Information Strategy Summit (AKISS) will bring together researchers and practitioners in order to deliver solutions to the key challenges in Information, Knowledge and Records Management. The summit will facilitate open discussion and increase the level of collaboration between research and practice so that research demonstrably makes a significant contribution to the development of practice and vice versa. It will focus on collaboration to achieve results. AKISS will be fully interactive. The Summit will not follow a traditional conference format. As well as setting the agenda, you will be able to participate and engage in a range of workshops, panel sessions, open debates and share your own challenges and solutions. AKISS will focus on outputs as well as inputs. Significant discussions will lead to a summary white paper that will capture current thinking to shape industry best-practice, and influence policy and decision-makers.Conference Themes:
Harnessing the digital world; Big data – what is it, how is it exploited, what are the opportunities, and how do we make it work for us and our organizations?; Winning support: ensuring that key decision makers are on your sideWorkshops:
Morning’s sessions review and action plans workshops; Getting senior manager buy in workshops; Copyright – Licensing: how to keep yourself out of trouble; Managing change - Mobilising Knowledge for Business Performance**
“Mobilising Knowledge for Business Performance: Practical Solutions for the Real World” is a one-day conference with exhibition on practical aspects of Knowledge Management. The conference is supported by the Aslib Economics and Business Information Group and the Aslib Knowledge and Information Management Network, formerly the Aslib Information Resources Management Network.Conference History:
- Mobilising Knowledge for Business Performance, 8 May 2003, London, UK
Sub-title: Practical Solutions for the Real World- Conference Themes:
n.a.Interactive Workshops:
n.a.Co-located courses (May 7):
Knowledge Management - Mobilising Knowledge for Business Performance, 8 May 2002, London, UK
Sub-title: Practical Solutions for the Real World
(Supported by: Aslib Economics and Business Information Group and Aslib Information Resources Management Network)- Conference Themes:
People; Knowledge and Information Processes; InfrastructureInteractive Workshops:
- Mobilising Knowledge for Business Performance, 8 May 2003, London, UK