International Society for Knowledge Organization – International Conference (ISKO International Conference)*
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The biennial International Society for Knowledge Organization – International Conference (ISKO International Conference), in conjunction with the society’s biennial General Assembly, is dedicated to various aspects of knowledge organization in different countries, scholarly disciplines or areas of professional and practical activities.
The international conference is complemented by the society’s biennial local/national chapter conferences. Compared to the international conference these events are organized in uneven years.
Conference History:
19th International ISKO Conference 2026, August 2026, Los Angeles, USA
Conference Theme: TBD
(Host: University of California at Los Angeles, School of Education & Information Studies, Department of Information Studies)
Conference program TBD
18th International ISKO Conference 2024, March 20-22, 2024, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization for Resilience in Times of Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities
(Host: Wuhan University, School of Information Management, Center for Studies of Information Resources)
Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop (Theme: Knowledge Organization Systems in AI & AI in Knowledge Organization Systems)
Doctoral colloquium
Workshop on International Publishing Experiences Sharing (Chinese)
Maximizing the FAIRness of Cultural Heritage Resources with Conceptual and Infrastructural Models and Knowledge Organization Systems
Domain Analysis in Information Science and Knowledge Organization : Current Status, Progress and Prospect
Panels: Chinese Track
Building Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) for Chinese Cultural Heritage to Facilitate Data Sharing and Reuse
The Construction of Knowledge Organization Core Competency System
Knowledge Organization and Information Science
Paper Sessions:
Knowledge organization systems
Knowledge Organization of Scientific and Technical Literature
Knowledge Organization and Application
Concepts and Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation and AI
Domain Knowledge Organization
Ontology and Knowledge GHraph
Knowledge Organization of Academic Literature
Knowledge organization for Digital Humanities
Paper Sessions: Chinese Track
Knowledge Graph Construction
Concept and Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Organization and Knowledge Discovery
Best Practices & Poster Presentstions
Knowledge Organization for Resilience in Times of Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities
Exploring the Divergences and Convergences of Knowledge Organization and Knowledge Management: Challenges and Opportunities
Keynotes: Chinese Track
The Intellectual Ability of Traditional Knowledge Organizations
The Linchpin of Curbing the Global Pandemic: A Necessary Conditions Analysis for COVID-19 across 130 Countries
A Glimpse into Cultural Heritage Research: The Functions of Knowledge Organization and Presentation
Do data and knowledge need to be organized? —The practices of National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Preprint Platform and Knowledge Organization
Exploring the Divergences and Convergences of Knowledge Organization and Knowledge Management: Challenges and Opportunities
ISKO Board Meeting (Board members only)
17th International ISKO Conference 2022, 6-8 July 2022, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization Across Disciplines, Domains, Services and Technologies
(Host: Aalborg University, Department of Communication and Psychology, e-Learning Lab)
Classification in the Algirithmic Age
Subject Access for Digital Humanities
Knowledge Organization theory and concepts
Application of Knowledge Organization in different contexts
Knowledge Organization Systems: (1) specific examples, (2) development
Classification theory
Poster Session
Knowledge Organization educational practices
Knowledge organization and nations
ISKO Meeting
16th International ISKO Conference 2020, July 6-9, 2020, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization at the Interface
(Host: Aalborg University, Department of Communication and Psychology, e-Learning Lab)
Note: The 2020 conference proceedings will be published as planned, and all accepted papers and posters will be included.
Knowledge organization across domains, media and technologies
Knowledge organization as understanding and communication
Knowledge organization as driver for development and change
Keynotes: (CANCELLED)
Classification in the Algorithmic Age; Subject Access for Digital Humanities
Sessions: (CANCELLED)
15th International ISKO Conference 2018, July 9-11, 2018, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Conference Theme: Challenges and Opportunities for Knowledge Organization in the Digital Age
(Host: University of Porto, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Research Centre in Communication, Information and Digital Culture)
Supporting truth and promoting understanding: Knowledge Organization and the curation of the infosphere
ISKO Publication Forum: Knowledge Organization and the ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization
Foundations and Methods for Knowledge Organization
Interoperability towards Information Access
Societal Challenges in Knowledge Organization; Posters
A Vision of Knowledge Organization – Panel in Honor of Ingetraut Dahlberg
Post-Conference Workshops (Jul 12):
The Politics of Classification
Thematic Representation and Metadata of Photographic Documents
14th International ISKO Conference 2016, September 27-29, 2016, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization for a Sustainable World: Challenges and Perspectives for Cultural, Scientific, and Technological Sharing in a Connected Society
(Host: São Paulo State University, Graduate School of Information Science)
The Integration of Culture in Knowledge Organization Systems
Epistemological Dimension of Knowledge Organization
Applied Dimension of Knowledge Organization
Social and Political Dimension of Knowledge Organization
Knowledge Organization for a sustainable world: ISKO perspectives
13th International ISKO Conference 2014, May 19-22, 2014, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization in the 21st Century: Between Historical Patterns and Future Prospects (25th ISKO Anniversary Conference; Part of the 650th Anniversary Celebrations of the Jagiellonian University)
(Host: Jagiellonian University, Institute of Information and Library Science)
Keynotes (Plenary Session): Current Global Problems in Knowledge Organization
Classical Databases and Knowledge Organisation: A Case for Boolean Retrieval and Human Decision-Making During Search
Knowledge Organization and the Technology of Intellectual Work
Knowledge Organization for Learning
Big Data and Knowledge Extracting to Automate Innovation. An Outline of a Formal Model
Sociological Aspects of Knowledge and Knowledge Organization
Knowledge Organization Tools: (A) Thesauri, (B) Classifications, (C) Taxonomy, Ontologies, Terminology
Knowledge Organization and Representation for Information Retrieval Services (IRS)
Knowledge Organization Education
Knowledge Organization in Libraries
Methods of Knowledge Organization
Knowledge Organization for Special Domains
Knowledge Organization Domain and Epistemology
Knowledge Organization History and Future
Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS)
Automatic Classification Systems
Discussion Panels:
Education for Knowledge Organization
ISKO and Knowledge Organization 25 Anniversary: The Future of Knowledge Organization and ISKO
Taxonomies as a tools for knowledge organization and access to knowledge in firms (Student workshop)
Knowledge Organization Literature Session
12th International ISKO Conference 2012, August 6-9, 2012, University of Mysore, Mysore, India
Conference Theme: Categories, Contexts and Relations in Knowledge Organization (Dr. S. R. Ranganathans 120th birth anniversary event)
(Host: University of Mysore, Bahadur Institute of Management Studies; Co-organizer: ISKO India Chapter, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science)
Universes, Dimensions, Domains, Intensions and Extensions: Knowledge Organization for the 21st Century
Ontology as Boundary Object (Invited Talk)
Sharing Information Resources across Communities and over Time: Metadata, Digital Libraries and Archives, and Information Schools (SRELS Lectures 2012)
Knowledge Organization on the Web: The Emergent Role of Social Classification (Invited Talk – CurzonCo-Seshachalam Lecture)
Domain of Knowledge Organization
General Classification Schemes
Knowledge Organization for the Digital Environment
Knowledge Organization as Navigation Tool
Categories in Knowledge Organization
Relationships in Knowledge Organization
Knowledge Organization for Specific Domains, Knowledge Organization for Archives
Design and Development of Knowledge Organization Tools
Information Mining/ Automatic Indexing
Users and Context
Panel Discussions:
Is Classification Necessary?
Pre-conference Workshops (Aug 6):
Categories for the Web
11th International ISKO Conference 2010, February 23-26, 2010, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Conference Theme: Paradigms and Conceptual Systems in Knowledge Organization
(Host: Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Philosophy)
Organizing and disseminating knowledge: theoretical and instrumental innovations of Paul Otlet
Ontological Foundations of Knowledge Organization (not sorted according to program!)
Epistemological Foundations of Knowledge Organization
Pragmatical Foundations of Knowledge Organization
Interdisciplinarity and Complexity
Specific Knowledge Organization System (KOS) Structures
Workshops & Seminars:
Levels of Reality as a Knowledge Organization Paradigm
Seminar on Epistemological paradigms in Knowledge Organization
Pre-conference Workshops (Feb 23):
An organizing system of memoirs: the psychoanalytical biography
10th International ISKO Conference 2008, August 5-8, 2008, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
Conference Theme: Culture and Identity in Knowledge Organization
(Host: University of Montreal, School of Library and Information Science)
Interrogating “Identity”: A Philosophical Approach to an Enduring Issue in Knowledge Organization
Models and Methods in Knowledge Organization
Multilingual and Multicultural Environments
Knowledge Organization for Information Management and Retrieval
Non-Textual Materials
Discourse Communities and Knowledge Organization
Users and Social Context
Systems, Tools and Evaluation; Posters
Pre-conference Workshops (Aug 5):
Everything Need Not Be Miscellaneous: Controlled Vocabularies and Classification in a Web World (OCLC/ISKO-NA)
9th International ISKO Conference 2006, July 5-7, 2006, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society
(Host: University of Vienna, Center for Translation Studies and Institute for Educational Sciences)
Information Systems and Learning in a Global Society: Concepts, Design and Implementation
Global Society and Learning in Theories of Knowledge and Knowledge Organization
Multilingual problems of information retrieval
Representations of Educational and didactical knowledge
Theoretical basis of knowledge organization: universal vs. local solutions
Users and uses of knowledge organization
Knowledge organization for non print multimedia
Linguistic and cultural approaches
Co-located Conferences:
Wissenorganisation’06 (German ISKO Conference), Jul 3-5
8th International ISKO Conference 2004, July 13-16, 2004, University College London, London, England
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society
(Host: University College London, School of Library, Archive and Information Studies)
Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Organization
Linguistic and Cultural Approaches to Knowledge Organization
Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation
Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Organization: Facets & Their Significance
Social & Sociological Concepts In Knowledge Organization
Knowledge Organization of Universal and Special Systems: (1) Dewey Decimal Classification, (2) Special Applications
Applications in Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Organization in Corporate Information Systems
Knowledge Organization of Non-Print Information: Sound, Image, Multimedia
Theories of Knowledge and Knowledge Organization – Past and Present
Panel Discussions:
Knowledge Organization – past, present & future
7th International ISKO Conference 2002, July 10-13, 2002, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Conference Theme: Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Organization for the 21st Century: Integration of Knowledge across Boundaries
(Host: University of Granada, Department of Information and Communication)
Conference program n.a.
Conceptual Universals in Knowledge Organization and Representation
Theoretical Models and Universals in Knowledge Organization and Representation
Epistemological Foundations for Knowledge Structures and Analysis
Models and Methods for Knowledge Representation
Models and Methods for Knowledge Organization. Tools and Systems
Models and Methods for Knowledge Organization and Retrieval
Organization of Integrated Knowledge in the Electronic Environment
Models and Methods for Knowledge Organization and Conceptual Relationships
Integration of Knowledge in the Internet. Representing Knowledge in Web Sites
Models and Methods for Knowledge Integration in Information Systems
Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Information Retrieval
Integration of Knowledge in Multicultural Domain-Oriented and General Systems
Epistemological Approaches to Classification Principles, Design and Construction
Professional Ethics. Users and Information Structures. Evaluation of Systems
6th International ISKO Conference 2000, July 10-13, 2000, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Conference Theme: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organizatioll
(Host: University of Toronto, Faculty of Information Studies)
The Dynamism and Stability of Classification in Information Ecologies-Problems and Possibilities
Theories of Knowledge and Knowledge Organization
Culture, Language, and Communication in Knowledge Organization
New Information Technologies for Knowledge Organization
Cognitive and Linguistic Foundations
Information Systems: Concepts, Design, and Implementation
Information Policies and Management of Knowledge Structures
Global Users and Uses of Knowledge and Knowledge Organization
Knowledge Organization of Universal and Special Systems
Panel Discussions:
5th International ISKO Conference 1998, August 25-29, 1998, Lille III University, Lille, France
Conference Theme: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization
(Host: Lille III University, Department of Information and Documentation Sciences)
Epistemology and Information Ecology
Cognitive Approaches to Knowledge Organization: (A) Conceptual Entities and Modeling of Ontologies, (B) Applications: Image Retrieval
Computational Models
Development and Analysis in Classification Systems
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Knowledge Organization
Design of Information Systems: (A) Thesaurus Design, (B) Knowledge Structures at the Interface, (C) Design of Special-Purpose Systems of Knowledge
Linguistic Aspects
Conceptual Modeling
User Profile Modeling
Structures and Relations in the On-line Environment
The Comparative Approach
Panel Discussions:
Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization
4th International ISKO Conference 1996, July 15-18, 1996, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization and Change
(Host: Library of Congress, Cataloging, Collections Services)
Pre-conference Events: (Jul 15)
Tools of Knowledge Organization: Discussions and demonstrations of online classification systems (Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal) and other digital initiatives and products
Dewey 120th Anniversary Address
Go with the Flow, or Abide by the Side, or Watch the Waves? Challenges of Change for Knowledge Organization
The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), the Universe of Knowledge, and the Post-Modern Library (Dewey 120th Anniversary Address)
Library of Congress Classification
Management of Change in Knowledge Organization Schemes
Knowledge Organization in Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Settings
The Role of Relationships in Knowledge Organization
Knowledge Organization in the Online Environment
Impact of Technology on Bibliographic Elements
Knowledge Organization in the Economic Environment
User Focus in Knowledge Organization
Thesauri and Metathesauri
Knowledge Organization and Images
Interplay of Epistemology and Knowledge Organization
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Knowledge Organization
Natural Language Processing
Dewey Decimal Classification
Software demonstrations
Post-Conference Excursions:
National Library of Medicine or National Agricultural Library
3rd International ISKO Conference 1994, June 20-24, 1994, Royal School of Librarianship, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization and Quality Management
(Host: Royal School of Librarianship, Department of Consultancy)
Elsinore Revisited
Quality in Knowledge Organization
Theory of Knowledge
Linguistics in Knowledge Organization
Concept Representation in Systems Design
Knowledge Organization in Specific Domains
Communication and Knowledge Organization
Online Public access Catalogues, OPaCs
Knowledge-based Systems
Tools and Techniques for Organization of Knowledge
Thesauri Facing New Technologies
Restructuring Classification Schemes and thesauri
Future Prospects
2nd International ISKO Conference 1992, August 26-28, 1992, Madras, India
Conference Theme: Cognitive Paradigms in Knowledge Organisation (Dr. S.R. Ranganathan Birth Centenary Conference)
(Host: University of Madras; Co-organizer: Madras Library Association, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science)
Note: The conference is the “grand finale” of the Dr. S. R. Ranganathan Centenary Year; Originally it was supposed to be held in New Delhi, prior to the Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
Conference program n.a.
Knowledge and Knowledge Organisation: the Needs and die Modes
Knowledge Seeking in Libraries
Knowledge Seeking in Information Retrieval
Knowledge Seeking in Problem Solving, Decision-Making, and Learning Situations
Taxonomic Approach to Knowledge Representation
Analytico – Synthetic Approaches to Knowledge Organisation
Cognitive Paradigms and their Application to Knowledge Organisation
Cognitive Paradigms in Knowledge Base
Associated Conferences:
IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) 1992, 30 August – 5 September 1992, New Delhi, India
Theme: The Universal Library: Libraries as Centres for the Global Availability of Information
1st International ISKO Conference 1990, August 14-17, 1990, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Conference Theme: Tools for Knowledge Organization and the Human Interface
Note: This conference is also the 1st Conference of the German ISKO Chapter
Preconference Seminars: (Aug 14)
Intelligent Interfaces for Subject Access in Libraries
Thesaurus Software (Co-orga: DGD Komitee für Klassifikations- und Thesaurusforschung)
Plenary Sessions:
Historical Note: Information Retrieval and the Future of an Illusion (panel presentation)
End users and structured searching of online bibli ographic databases: recent research findings
Concept theory and facet analysis of knowledge units – with emphasis on AI research
Knowledge organization and the human interface – a personal view from the UK on developments
On organization problems of databanks from machinereadable text data
Classificatory principles in intelligent interfaces
A framework for characterizing systems for knowledge organization: a first basis for comparisons and evaluation
Experiences with online catal ogs in the USA using a classification system as a subject searching tool
Problems of intellectual and computerized contents analysis
Software Concepts: Knowledge Organization and the Human Interface
Reports of the Chairpersons on the 12 parallel workshop sessions
Standardizing and Codifying Related Term Linksfor Improved Information Retrieval
Conference synthesis
General Issues
Algorithmic Text Analysis
Knowledge Organization by Universal Systems
Knowledge Organization in Special Systems
Thesaurus Issues
Online Retrieval
Retrieval from Universal Systems
Retrieval Technologies
Panel Discussions:
Human vs Machine Capabilities in Knowledge Organization
Recommendations for Knowledge Organization in the ’90s
Co-located Events: (Aug 14)
International Software Exhibition for Thesaurus, Classification, ‘Terminology, and Indexing Applications, Aug 14-16
1st ISKO/GC (German Chaper) WG Indexing, Classifying, and Retrieval Meeting, Aug 13
Meeting of the Society for Conceptual and Contents Analysis by Computer (SCCAC), Aug 14