Abstract: Four leading organizations in Thailand’s knowledge management sector have joined forces to enhance organizational knowledge management capabilities, driving the country towards a knowledge-based economy and sustainable development. Under the banner of the Thailand Knowledge Management Network (TKMN), this collaboration includes Dr.Tawarat Sutabutr, President of the Office of Knowledge Management and Development (OKMD) ,
University College London (UCL)
The University College London (UCL)1), a member institution of the federal University of London, formerly the University of London, University College (part of the University of London), the University College, London (founding affiliate college of the University of London), and the University of London (without university degree-awarding powers), offers the following Knowledge Management education and
Global Forum of Intellectual Capital (GFIC)*
- In conjunction with ciKi – Congresso Internacional de Conhecimento e Inovação, and ICKM – International Conference on Knowledge Management
Intellectual Capital Association (ICAA)
The Intellectual Capital Association (ICAA; Portugese: Associação para a Gestão do Capital Intelectual), formerly the Intellectual Capital Accreditation Association (ICAA; Protugese: Associação para a Gestão do Capital Intelectual) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Corporate Learning Camp (CLC)*
Das Corporate Learning Camp (CLC; füher: CorporateLearningCamp (CLC oder CoLearnCamp)), organisiert von der Corporate Learning Community (CLC), ist ein BarCamp bzw. eine Un-Konferenz die sich mit dem Thema Lernen und Personalentwicklung beschäftigt. Seit 2019 findet das CLC in der Regel zweimal im Jahr statt, im Frühjahr und Herbst.