Monash University (Monash)
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The Monash University (Monash) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Faculty of Information Technology > Digital Equity and Digital Transformation (DEDT) > Knowledge Management Research Program (KMRP) Group 1)
Graduate Degrees
- Graduate Diploma in Information and Knowledge Management**
(Specializations: Archives and recordkeeping or RIMPA or ASA professional recognition; Library and information science or ALIA professional recognition) 2) - Master of Business Information Systems (MBIS C6003) 3)
- Master of Business Information Systems (Honours) (Professional track (Specialisation): Corporate Information and Knowledge Management)** 3)
MBIS Corporate IKM units:
FIT5086 Information and knowledge management principles
FIT5088 Information and knowledge management systems
FIT5102 IT strategy and governance
FIT5150 Project management as knowledge-based practice - Master of Information Management and Systems (Specialization: Knowledge Management)**
Compulsory units within the specialisation:
IMS5027 Knowledge management principlesplus three units selected from the following:
IMS5005 Decision support systems
IMS5023 Information enterprise management and marketing
IMS5033 Electronic document management and recordkeeping systems
IMS5048 The information continuum
IMS5330 Knowledge management systems development - “Digital Equity” Graduate research (PhD, MPhil) in the field of Knowledge Management 4)
- PhD in Information Management and Systems** (by research; Specialization: Knowledge Management)
- 2011-2015: Knowledge Management and Information Systems track @ Australiasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)
- Australian Conference on Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision Support (ACKMIDS)**
The Australian Conference on Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision Support (ACKMIDS), formerly the Australian Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support Systems (and Knowledge Management) (AWIDS), successor of the Melbourne Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDS), provides an arena for discussing current approaches to the way people and organizations work with knowledge. The ACKMIDS conference aims to facilitate an active exchange of ideas between academia and practice.
Conference History:
- 13th Annual ACKMIDS 2010, 7-8 December 2010, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Conference theme: TBD
(In conjunction with the Australiasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) // Knowledge Management stream)-
- 12th ACKMIDS 2009, 4 December 2009, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Collaboration, Coordination, Competition
(In conjunction with the Australiasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) // Knowledge Management stream)Note: The conference was originally independently scheduled for 7-8 December 2009
Keynotes: (1)
CANCELLEDTrack Presentations:
Key Organizational Elements for Effective Information and Knowledge Management
The functional ERD: conceptual modeling for complex knowledge systems
KM facing simultaneous obstacles and strategic benefits realization: a continuing conundrum - 11th ACKMIDS 2008, 8-10 December 2008, University of Ballarat, Mount Helen, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Harnessing Knowledge Management to Build Communities
(Co-organizer: Centre for Community Networking Research, Monash University; Centre for eCommerce and Communications, Centre for Regional Innovation and Competitiveness, and Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimization, University of Ballarat)-
A sober (or somber) view of Knowledge Management
Keynote 2 n.a.
The need to know; measuring the success of community based ICT projects designed to combat disadvantage and isolation (invited paper)Paper Presentations:
Representing Practice Wisdom: Adapting Corporate Modelling for Better Welfare Practice
The Effect of Knowledge Management Initiatives of Small and Medium Scale Software Companies on Competitive Advantage
Collaborative Knowledge Building Process: An Activity Theory Based Analysis
Communities of Practice in Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning
Explicit Representations of Reasoning to Support Deliberation within Groups
Action Research to Knowledge Management in Construction Projects
Toward Computer Mediated Elicitation of a Community?s Core Values for Sustainable Decision Making
An Expert System Methodology for SMEs and NPOs
Indian Knowledge Commission: A Transformation to Knowledge Economy
Spatial infrastructure, information access and knowledge building in regional Victoria
The Impact of Biometric Systems on Communities: Perceptives and Challenges
Building Knowledge Capabilities: An Organisational Learning Approach
Categorisation of Knowledge Management Processes in the Development of Sustainable Enterprises
Knowledge-Sharing in an Organisation: The Enabling Role of an Intranet
One Company, Two Outcomes: Integration vs Disintegration
How to get Skunkworks Adopted in an Organisation – Jim’s Loos – A Wiki Project
A Learning and Credential Provenance (LCP) Protocol Development Case StudyPost-conference Workshops: (Dec 10)
Search Workshop: Knowledge Management and the Third Sector - 10th ACKMIDS 2007, 9–11 December 2007, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Theory Wedded to Practice
(in conjunction with the International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems (SCMIS) and the Collaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and Research Conference (CollECTeR))-
Interorganisational Knowledge Management: A Supply Chain PerspectivePaper Presentations:
Time value of knowledge: Time based frameworks for valuing knowledge
Practical application of a knowledge development life cycle
Knowledge management governance: Defining the measurement of knowledge management strategy development and implementation outcomes
Expertise location using keyphrases in electronic mail: Socio-ethical challenges
Knowledge creation and knowledge sharing: Synergy or discrepancy?
A knowledge brokering model for communities of practice using service-oriented architecture
Enabling successful knowledge capture for electronic knowledge repositories
Decision support system to capitalize on the company’s knowledge
An empirical study of knowledge management capability and competitive advantage employing the resource-based theory of the firmPanel Discussions:
Knowledge Management – Theory Wedded to Practice: Building Capability to Manage Complexity - 9th ACKMIDS 2006, 11-12 December 2006, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Integrating “doing” and “thinking”: Knowledge Management as reflective practice-
Defining Knowledge Management Success: Integrating Doing and Knowing
Socio-Technical Knowledge Management: Lessons LearntPaper Presentations:
Organisational downsizing and knowledge sharing
Knowledge Development lifecycle for reflective practice
Risk management: a tool for reflective practice in KM
Patient Centred information systems for knowledge transfer
Integrating doing and thinking in creating Blue Ocean strategy: Casella wines and its success in the American Market
Professional knowledge, professional certitude: making wine in the Adelaide hills
Who controls knowledge in knowledge-based economies
A reflective and refractive mindset for knowledge and systems science
Knowledge intermediaries: what are they about what do they do?
Knowledge Interfaces: An Informal CoP faced with Formal Boundaries
Deliberate Inter-organisational Knowledge Transfer: Recognition and Effective Utilisation of Complimentary Social and Technological ChannelsRoundtables:
Thinking for a living, thinking to survive: The changing nature of workOpen Forum:
Integrating thinking and doing - 8th ACKMIDS 2005, 5-6 December 2005, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Why Culture Matters: the Local and Global in Knowledge Management-
A Unified Model of Knowledge Sharing – Insights from a Case Study in the IT industry
The Past, Present and Future of Knowledge Management
An Overview of the 2005 Australian Knowledge Management StandardPaper Presentations:
The Contribution of Transformational Leadership to KM
Strategy Built on Quicksand? An exploratory investigation into the role of competitive knowledge management in strategic decision making
Cultural enablers and inhibitors to knowledge sharing
Culture and Knowledge Management in Rural Areas in Vietnam : Local Oasis or Global Empire?
TARDIS: An Australian Case Study in Applied Knowledge Management. A Paper Focusing on Non-Technological Implementation Issues
Knowledge Creation in a Distributed Electronic Environment
The Culture of Information Systems in Knowledge-Creating Contexts: Rethinking User-Centred Design
Culture and Knowledge Sharing in University Internet Based Networks
Decision support and cognitive limitations in online share trading
Managing Transient Knowledge: Knowledge Requirements for the Installation of Enterprise SystemsIndustry Case Study Presentations:
The ROI on The Information Asset
Cultural influences in developing knowledge behaviours
Jelly Slice – a story of knowledge sharing in actionRoundtables:
Case Study Round table: An open discussion of the implication of knowledge management in practice - 7th ACKMIDS 2004, 29-30 November 2004, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Organisational Challenges for Knowledge Management-
On knowledge creation and sharing across frontiers: an information systems strategy perspectiv
Clearing Up KM’s “Implicit Knowledge”: Implications for the Theory and Practice of KMPaper Presentations:
Core Competency Analysis for Developing Knowledge Strategy
Explaining Why Knowledge Management Implementation Works or Not
Uncovering Knowledge Structures: Concept Modelling for Exploring Information Solutions
Considering the Receiver in Knowledge Sharing: When the Receiver Seems Ready the Sharer Appers
The Need for Aligning Knowledge Management, Business and Information Technology strategies: a proposed study of the financial industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain
What is the task? – applying the Task-based KM framework to weather forecasting
Bottling Fog: conjuring up the Australian KM Standard
A Debate on Data, Information and Knowledge Sharing in Organizations: So Desirable and Yet So Difficult
Building a Knowledge Sharing Culture through the Relationship Management Maturity Model
Eliciting Tacit Knowledge from Spoken Discourse about Requirements Analysis
Managing Knowledge in IT organisations
Developing Program Management Capabilities: A Knowledge Management Perspective
Personal Knowledge and Organizational Change: A Knowledge Management PerspectiveResearch in Progress Papers:
Knowledge Management Methodology for the Build-up of Intellectual Capital In PPP Using Mental Maps: An Application of the Road Concession Case in Brazil
Identification of an Emerging Community of Practice in a Knowledge WorkplaceForum:
Knowledge Management: Where to now?KM Lab Launch
- 6th ACKMIDS 2003, 11-12 December 2003, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Managing Knowledge with Technology-
Where does new organizational knowledge come from?
Revisiting the Corporate Portal (invited presentation)
The Art of Locating Expert Advice: a Social and Complexity Perspective (invited presentation)
Collaborative Technologies and Culture for Knowledge Work (invited presentation)
n.a. (invited presentation)Paper Presentations:
A Sensemaking Theory of Knowledge in Organisations: A way of understanding knowledge management and the role of technology
eScience and ePractice: Reflections on a KMS development
Knowledge sharing technologies to support community participation in natural resource management: a research agenda
Generating Fleet Support Knowledge from Data and Information
Processes and Impacts of Knowledge Creation in Email
Just below the surface: developing knowledge management systems using the paradigm of the noetic prism
Integrating Knowledge Management Into Business Processes
Knowledge, IT and innovation in a crisis situation: using SARS as a test caseCase studies:
When an Organisation must Know More than the Sum of its Experts: A study of AOD and BattleModel
Streamlining the Weather Forecasting Process – A Case Study
Enabling knowledge through technology at FaCS – A Case StudyResearch in Progress round table:
Knowledge Management Across a Supply Chain
Multiple Criteria decision support for improved business strategy definition and execution
A comparative study of private and public sector attitudes to and deployment of knowledge management in AustraliaPanel Discussions:
Do we really manage knowledge when we do Knowledge Management in organisations? (academic panel) - 5th ACKMIDS 2002, 9-10 December 2002, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: The Role of Quality in Knowledge Management-
Some Observations Concerning Knowledge Management Issues in the Medical Industry
Communication and Cultural Resistance: Formulating a Knowledge Management Strategy in a Public Sector OrganizationPaper Presentations:
Knowledge Strategy in Creative and Innovative Companies: A case study (as a research-in-progress
Knowledge Management in Specialised Communities: Sharing and the Protection of Quality in Context
A Conceptual Quality Management Model for Multi-user service-based Portals
Knowledge Management and Performance Measurement:Quality v Quantity
Inaccuracy, ambiguity and irrelevance: An analysis of the nature of quality in knowledge management using the noetic prism
Knowledge Management as Social Semiotic: Discourse Analysis as a measure of Quality
Sharing knowledge through effective team building: trust versus the information power dynamic
Knowledge sharing behaviour: the implications of attitudes, beliefs and organisational norms for goverance in a public sector agency
The Information Quality Monitor: Assessing the Product and Service Quality of Information
Representing Social Learning in the Context of Knowledge Management:An Architectural Perspective
Discovering Predictive Quality of Knowledge Artifacts in Organisational Repositories
Strategic Knowledge Management In the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
Failure to use information limits return on investment in information systems: a case study
Improving the Quality of Fleet/Facility Support Knowledge
The Knowledge Management Landscape in New Zealand: The Role of the CKO?Poster Session
Panel Discussions:
The Emperor’s New Clothes: Understanding The Concept Of Quality In Knowledge Management Systems (Industy Panel)
Sticky Knowledge and Dirty Data: Defining Knowledge Management as a Quality Discipline (Academic Panel) - 4th ACKMIDS 2001, 10-11 December 2001, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management in Context-
Keynotes: (1)
n.a.Paper Presentations:
Codifying organizational knowledge; A case study
Knowledge management and the Parliamentary Library: Trust and prophylactics?
Knowledge management and small business – developing an approach to intellectual property practices in the Australian biotechnology industry
More effective knowledge management through systems integration: The Pharmaceutical Extranet Gateway Project and its management
Knowledge Creation on the Intranet
The role of technology in KM: trends in the Australian corporate environment
Balancing The Mild, The Wild, And The Crazy: Knowledge Management In Complex OrganisationsIndustry Panel: Does the Tail Wag the Dog?
Knowledge Management: A brief summary of 4 days of research and 10 years of experience
Healthcare Knowledge Management
The Role of Context in Knowledge Management Implementation - 3rd ACKMIDS 2000, 4-5 December 2000, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management for Information Communities-
Transcending Information Communities
Keynote 2 n.a.Paper Presentations:
From medieval philosophy to the Virtual Library: a descriptive framework for scientific knowledge and documentation as basis for document retrieval
Knowledge and Learning in Electronically Enabled Environments
The Limits to Codification of Intelligence Processes
Getting the Message Across With Communicative Knowledge Management
Developing a supportive organisational context for knowledge management–A conceptual framework
Oral community knowledge sharing systems
The Impact of Knowledge Management Technology on Decision Makers’ Performance: An Empirical Examination
Exploring Knowledge Management Issues and Perceptions from a Chief Information Officer’s Perspective– Implications for Information System-Based Decision Support
Implementing A Knowledge Management System: The Case of Meteorological Forecasting
A Knowledge Model Based on Multi-Dimensional Ontology
Evolution as a Model of Design Knowledge Formation and PropagationCase studies:
Knowledge Management Research at the DSTC, Information Ecology Project: Recordkeeping Metadata Research
Knowledge Management issues in people’s use of telecommunications and new media
Knowledge Management model within the context of evidence based health carePanel Session: Beyond a Fad: The role of Knowledge Management in an Information Economy
2 presentations n.a. - 2nd Australian Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support and Knowledge Management (AWIDS), September 29, 1998, University of New South Wales, NSW, Sydney, Australia
(in conjunction with the Australian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Sep 30 – Oct 2)-
Paper Sessions:
Knowledge Management for Intelligent Decision Support
– Knowledge Engineering Methods For Knowledge Management
– A framework for secure sharing of business knowledge
– Strategic planning using OPIUM: supporting holistic decision making
Intelligent Decision Support Applications
– An intelligent decision support system for dairy cattle mate-allocation
– Assisting Political Decision Making
– Workflow Temporal Manager – an intelligent agent for time management in production workflows
– Modelling the Small Business Inventory Reorder Decision
Project Reports and Research in Progress
– Knowledge Sharing and Management in Large, Multi-National Organisations
– Using Genetic Programming for Datamining in the Development of DSS
– Development of an Information System to Support Decision Making in Family Law Negotiation
– Intelligent Decision Support for Multicriteria Group Decision MakingPanel Discussions:
Knowledge Management for Intelligent Decision Support: Means and ApproachesAssociated workshops:
Knowledge Management: Its Benefits and Problems (Post-conference Workshop), 9 September 1998, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
(in conjunction with the Institute for Information Management (IIM) Asia/Pacific Conference, Sep 6-9)Overview: benefits and problems
Local perspective on Knowledge Management – Survey
Knowledge Management – the Monash Approach
Illustration: Case Studies - 1st Australian Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support Systems (AWIDS’97), October 23, 1997, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
- 2nd Melbourne Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDS’96), September 9, 1996, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
- 1st Melbourne Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDS’95), March 20, 1995, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
- 13th Annual ACKMIDS 2010, 7-8 December 2010, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
- Intelligent Decision Support Systems & Knowledge Management Minitrack, 21 July 1999, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
(in conjunction with the International Conference of The International Society for Decision Support Systems (ISDSS 1999), Jul 20-23)-
Minitrack Papers:
Evaluation of Soft Computing Based IDS
Knowledge Management and Data Mining for Marketing
Knowledge Discovery in a Dairy Cattle Database
Argumentation structures for IDS
Representations for Decision-making Support
Knowledge Discovery in the Development of DSS
IDS for On-line Information RetrievalKeynotes:
Knowledge Management – is it in the software?Pre-conference Tutorials:
Knowledge Discovery to provide Intelligent Decision Support
Faculty of Education
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Leadership (Specialisation: Organisational learning5))**
Faculty of Business and Economics > Business School > Department of Management > (Quality Management Research Unit) 6)
- International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management (QIK)**7)