Abstract: Not too long ago I swatted the beehive that is the KM CKO position. And, as one might expect when doing so, the stings were numerous and from every direction. If you’re unfamiliar with my initial foray into this discussion, basically it went something like this: if the CKO role is dead, we
chief knowledge officer
Do You Need a Chief Knowledge Officer?
Abstract: A Chief Knowledge Officer is a senior executive who is responsible for ensuring that an organization maximises the value it achieves through one of its most important assets – knowledge. Although only a few companies have people with this explicit title, those with similar responsibilities include Director of Intellectual Capital, Director of Innovation.
Knowledge Leadership
Abstract: In our research for Creating the Knowledge-based Business we found without exception that where KM was progressing well, underpinning it was strong leadership. We identified the following as the essential factors of knowledge leadership: A knowledge leader (or champion) – that person may or may not have a title
13 Knowledge Management Position Descriptions
Abstract: The KMEF KM Competency Group has drafted 13 position descriptions for review and comments: Position descriptions that have been developed for the KM Competencies Wiki at this early of a date may be premature, but could be used as a bolt on or additional resources later in the facilitation process. We
Chief Knowledge Officer Wanted!
Abstract: One of the key challenges for business executives in the knowledge era is to manage intellectual capital. Drawing upon: (1) the author’s personal experience as CKO of Knexa.com – the world’s first knowledge exchange auction; and (2) the relatively nascent literature on the roles and responsibilities of CKOs, this paper highlights five perspectives