The Knowledge Creation Principles Consortium Global Summit (KCPC Global Summit), formerly the Knowledge Creation Principles Forum (KCPC Forum), aims to discuss how the “Knowledge Creation Principle”, a new management principle, is contributing to management innovation, by focusing on corporate managers and practitioners of change or young employees with aspirations (“Dynamos”), as the engine of knowledge-driven
knowledge creation
Knowledge Creation Principle Consortium (KCPC)
The Knowledge Creation Principle Consortium (KCPC),1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC)*
- Co-located conferences: Artificial Intelligence x Data & Knowledge Engineering (AIxDKE); Artificial Intelligence x Multimedia (AIxMM)
IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering and Knowledge Management (SEKM)*
- In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS)
Educating for a knowledge management future
Abstract: The emerging diffuse and complex discourse on knowledge management has, amongst many things, given some focus to the nature of education and training for professionals engaged in managing knowledge. The complexity of charting an educational and training pathway becomes apparent when considered against the plethora of perspectives of what constitutes knowledge management, as