Abstract: Common pitfalls to avoid and skills to look for when hiring your first KM manager COVID-19 has woken up many organizations to the need for knowledge management. Hiring your first KM manager can seem at first to be a daunting task. There are a number of things you should keep
knowledge manager
UK Knowledge and Information Management Salary & Workforce Mapping Surveys
Since 2015 Sue Hill Recruitment (SHR) and TFPL have published four Knowledge and Information Management salary surveys for the entire UK library, archive, knowledge, information and records management industry. The 2017 salary survey was published in association with the Information and Records Management Society (IRMS), the 2019 salary survey in association with IRMS and the
Knowledge management careers primer
Abstract: The knowledge management (KM) discipline has seen an increase in awareness in recent years, yet many might be left feeling puzzled by what exactly KM is, and what career bucket it falls into. With many KM practitioners and advocates arguing for standardisation of the industry and the opportunities embedded within it, this article
Knowledge Manager for Customer Service Success
Abstract: In my previous blog I outlined how important knowledge is to successfully deliver customer service, and how to overcome the challenges of creating a centralized, multichannel knowledge base. Ensuring that knowledge powers your customer service isn’t just about technology – and certainly doesn’t stop when your knowledge base goes live.
Knowledge managers losing jobs right now?
In the Groups.io discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Pavel K. asks: It is painful to observe, that in the Corona crisis a large international company has fired the whole Knowledge Management Crew. We at SKMF have seen a similar case in 2015. But within 12 months the