Abstract: In this paper, we examine the roles and responsibilities of Knowledge Management (KM) librarians in a University and outline the skills and knowledge to illuminate and maximize the possibilities of the position, to provide new content in new mediums to an increasingly discerning user community. This relatively new position is being created as
subject matter expert
Knowledge Management Organizational Structure
Abstract: We often overlook the importance of an organization’s structure in supporting the implementation of a KMS. This is a very critical consideration, because an organization will undergo significant change in the shift from a knowledge-hoarding to a knowledge sharing culture. A KMS isn’t a software package that’s easily installed and then forgotten about.
Knowledge Management Core Team Job Descriptions
Abstract: As part of APQC’s second Knowledge Management (KM) Advanced Working Group, the APQC research team worked with KM practitioners from leading organizations to create job descriptions for some of the most important positions on an organization’s KM core team: KM leader, KM specialist, KM communication director, and KM IT/business analyst. This document contains
Roles, tasks, units, and activities for Knowledge Management
Abstract: In the last years,Knowledge Management(KM)studies have focused on the foundations of this “new managerial discipline”. Today, there is an increasing need to transform the theoretical speculations into managerial tools, and to find solutions to practical questions concerning daily KM activity. A key issue that still requires investigation regards the management of human resources