Abstract: The knowledge management field has become increasingly professionalized in recent years, with more standardized job requirements and degree programs targeted at KM roles. But a lot of KM is about creative problem solving, relationship building, and trust—and there’s no step-by-step handbook to get those right. When we survey KM
Knowledge Management team
Who is in the Knowledge Management Team?
Abstract: The purpose of the organisation’s Knowledge Management (KM) team is to provide knowledge management services and solution to the organisation. By KM I mean the ability to learn from experience (and continuously improve and build value and capability), to innovate, to share knowledge as a community, and to apply ever-improving standards of performance
How to Sell Knowledge Management
Abstract: Proven Practices for Promoting a Knowledge Management Program offers techniques and advice from Stan Garfield, a seasoned knowledge management professional and expert with decades of experience in the field. You’ll learn the essential elements of a knowledge management program; how to lay the foundation for success; the secrets to obtaining
Knowledge Roles, Knowledge Management Skills, and Organization Structures
Abstract: There is no right way to organize for delivery of knowledge management. Much depends on the existing structures and responsibilities that already exist within an organization. We have already considered the role of the knowledge leader. But what kind of organization does he or she need in support? We consider in turn:
Knowledge Professional’s Role in Knowledge Management
Abstract: Many KM activities require extensive and unusual expertise. In particular, analysis of knowledge-intensive (K-I) activities — the mental tasks people perform and the mental models they use to deliver work products — is complex and based upon deep insights into what typically takes place in the knowledge worker’s mind during different stages of