Australian Society for Knowledge Management (AuSKM)
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The Australian Society for Knowledge Management (AuSKM), successor of the Australian Capital Territory Knowledge Management Forum (actKM Forum)1) and to some extend also successor of the Australian Knowledge Management Community2), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Australian Knowledge Management Community* (2007-2012)
The Australian Knowledge Management Community – A Knowledge Management Meta-Communit – is an attempt to bring together a community of people facilitating Knowledge Management Communities in Australia. It does not assume to replace or replicate any of the other Knowledge Management communities that exist in Australia. This group hopes to provide a common ground for these communities where they can meet, share and learn from each other.- Communities: Australian KM Community Facilitators*
State Chapters
- Adelaide KM Group* (2004-2018)
The Adelaide KM Group, successor of the 2004/5 South Australian KM Forum (SAKMF) and the Gurteen Knowledge Café Adelaide (2006), is a group of practitioners, educators and researchers working in Knowledge Management in South Australia. The Group is a forum for exchange and learning, and operates as a community of practice. - Australian Capital Territory Knowledge Management Forum* (actKM Forum, 1998-2014) 1)
The Australian Capital Territory Knowledge Management Forum (actKM Forum), officially the ACT Knowledge Management Forum, was formerly for some time known as the Australian Capital Territory Chapter of the Knowledge Management Consortium International (KMCI). At first it had a focus on public sector Knowledge Management which was expanded to all kind of sectors in 2007. - Melbourne Knowledge Management Leadership Forum (Melbourne KMLF; 1997-present)
- New South Wales Knowledge Management Community of Practice (NSW KM CoP; was: Knowledge Management Forum (NSW KM Forum); 2001-2021; 2025-present)
Initially initiated by Standards Australia in 2001, the New South Wales Knowledge Management Forum (“NSW KM Forum” or “the Forum”) is an inclusive, voluntary forum of practitioners, consultants, academics, vendors and students who share an interest in knowledge management. The aim of the Forum is to improve the understanding and practical application of Knowledge Management by sharing their collective skills and experience and encouraging collaboration. In 2025 it re-started as New South Wales Knowledge Management Community of Practice (NSW KM CoP) - Queensland Knowledge Management Forum* (QKM Forum; 2002-2014)
The Queensland Knowledge Management Forum (QKM or QLD KM Forum) is a group of Knowledge Management practitioners mostly based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The group meets monthly face-to-face and interacts regularly through its virtual environment.
Certification, Accreditation & Awards
Recognition Programs
- AuSKM Certified Knowledge Management Professional
- Academic Learning Program Endorsement and Accreditation
- AuSKM Recognition Awards (since 2015!?)
- 2020 Platinum Awards: RealKM, Safe & Together Addressing ComplexitY (STACY) focussing on children project (Uni Melbourne, Social Work Department); COVID LIVE platform (Australia)
- actKM Knowledge Management Awards** (2007-2014; in conjunction with the actKM Forum Conference)
- Knowledge Management in Government Awards (2003-2005; in conjunction with the actKM Forum Conference)
- Australian Society for Knowledge Management Conference (AuSKM Conference)**
The Australian Society for Knowledge Management Conference (AuSKM Conference), formerly branded as Knowledge Management Melbourne (KMELB), successor of the Australian Capital Territory Knowledge Management (actKM) Forum Conference, is a 1-day conference with post-conference workshops, organized by the AuSKM and partners from the Australian Knowledge Management communities.
- Australian Capital Territory Knowledge Management Forum Conference (actKM; 2003-2014)**
The Australian Capital Territory Knowledge Management Forum Conference (actKM) was the Forum’s annual conference in Canberra. The intention behind the conference was to provide a rich interactive experience for delegates and therefore they place lots of emphasis on workshops, networking and learning activities (senior executive breakfast, poster corner and competition, KM Board Game, Knowledge Wall, collaboration cabaret, conference and awards dinner, welcome cocktail party, etc) and the actKM Knowledge Management Awards ceremony. (until 2005 the Knowledge Management in Government Awards ceremony)
- Queensland Information Management Joint Conference, 15 March 2011, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
(jointly organized by Records and Information Professionals Australia (RIM PA), Australian Society of Archivists (ASA), Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), Queensland Knowledge Management Forum (QKM Forum), Australasian Law Librarians Association (ALLA) – Queensland Division)-
Connecting people with ideas – different roles in the Web 2.0 environment
Cloud computing – Storm Brewing or Silver Lining
Building and managing a knowledge transfer program
Practical strategies for the web 2.0 environment
Knovember workshops series around Australia
- Nov 2018: Workshops and events in conjunction with the AuSKM Conference
- Nov 2017: A series of workshops around Australia on a theme to be determined
- A series of workshops on developing a KMBoC
Nov 2016: Canberra – Human Centred Design for a Knowledge Management Body of Knowledge (KMBoK)
- May 2016: Knowledge Management Competencies (actKM event for the Information Awareness Month 2016)
KM Global Network Monthly Webinars
- Feb 2015: A Capability Approach to a Knowledge Management Standard
- Nov 2018: Global Knowledge Management Network Gathering
(in conjunction with the AuSKM Conference) - Feb 2016: The Future of Work – The 2016 AuSKM Study Tour of North America (5 days)
Adelaide KM Group @ Open State
(In co-operation with the University of Adelaide’s Executive Education)
- Overcoming Innovation Barriers, 4 October 2017 2)
(In conjunction with OpenState – A festival of collaboration, innovation, ideas & enterprise, 28 September – 8 October 2017, Adelaide, South Australia) - Enabling Knowledge for Innovation, 20 October 2016 2)
(In conjunction with OpenState – A festival of collaboration, innovation, ideas & enterprise, 18-27 October 2016, Adelaide, South Australia)
Course Materials
- Knowledge Management Body of Knowledge wiki (was: Knowledge Bucket)