Abstract: Matt Moore and Patrick Lambe developed a draft competency framework for knowledge organization professionals in support of the inaugural “Innovations in Knowledge Organization” conference held in Singapore in June 2015. With the support of ISKO we then tested this framework within the larger professional community through a global survey attracting almost 150 responses
knowledge organization
Roles, skills and training for Knowledge Organization
Abstract: What part will knowledge organization (KO) play in our ability to find and manage information in the future, whether it’s on websites, document management systems, collaboration systems, corporate intranets, or even on shared drives? What sort of roles will be needed to cope with the ever increasing amounts of information that we’re dealing
Knowledge Organization Curriculum Development
Abstract: This paper will examine new curriculum developments in the Department of Information Sciences at the University of Zagreb. The TEMPUS project offers the opportunity for planned and organized efforts for curriculum change in courses within the field of knowledge organization. This paper explains the main rationale and need for these changes as well
Knowledge Management Competency Frameworks?
In the Groups.io discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Matt M. asks: Hi, I’m running a 90 min session on essential skills, competencies and know-how in knowledge management with some masters students at UTS. I have Bill Kaplan’s CKO attributes, Frada Burstein’s knowledge management roles and responsibilities, David
Knowledge organization education: a study
Abstract: This paper presents the preliminary results of a study investigating the current state of knowledge organization education in American schools of library and information science. The goal of the study is to assess the status of entry-level knowledge organization education in U.S. library and information schools from three perspectives: course content, students’ perception,