Loughborough University (Lough)*
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The Loughborough University (Lough, Lboro, Lufbra or Luff), formerly the Loughborough University of Technology (LUT), Loughborough College of (Advanced) Technology, Loughborough (Technical) College, and the Loughborough Technical Institute, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Institute for International Management (IIM)
IIM Speaker Series / Research Seminars
- Feb 2020: Innovation and knowledge management of MNEs in and from emerging economies
School of Business and Economics > Centre for Information Management (CIM)1) > Knowledge and the Digital Economy Research Interest Group (KDE-RIG)2)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- MSc, PGDip or PGCert in Information and Knowledge Management3)**
Core Modules:
Semester 1:
Research Management for IKM ISP535 (2009-2018)
Information architecture ISP503 (2002-2018)
Business intelligence and analysis ISP505 (2009-2018)
Principles of Information and Knowledge Management ISP487 (2002-2018; was: Principles of knowledge Management; Principles of knowledge)
Semester 2:
Information retrieval for knowledge management ISP501 (2002-2018)
Leadership and change management ISP310 (2009-2018)
Web Design and Web Analystics ISP508 (2009-2018)
Information Systems and Modelling COP453 (2013-2018)
DissertationPast Core Modules:
Competitor intelligence ISP505 (2002-2008)
Database structure and design ISP506 (2002-2010)
Legal context of information and knowledge management ISP507 (2005–2008)
Legal and professional issues ISP407 (2002-2005)
Management of innovation and entrepreneurship ISP309 (2002–2008)
Management techniques and people skills ISP310 (2002-2008)
Design and Authoring for the World Wide Web ISP302 (2002-2008)
Informatics and knowledge management systems ISP502 (2002-2008)Past Optional Modules:
E-publishing: design and production ISP304 (2002-2007)
Information and knowledge management in the NHS ISP309 (2002-)
Interaction design ISP307 (2002-)
Marketing for information professionals ISP422 (2002-2007)
Culture and Change Management ISP425 (2003-)
E-Business technologies ISP426 (2005-
Consumer health information ISP420 (2002-)
E-pblishing: marketing and business issues ISP312 (2002-)
Multimedia ISP311 (2002-2007)
Markup Languages for the WWW ISP308 (2003-)
Marketing for Information Professionals ISP422 (2003-2007)
Human Information Processing ISP424 (2003-2007)
Information Work in Developing Countries ISP415 (2007)
Managing Projects Managing Knowledge (2008-) - PhD or MPhil in Business and Management, Economics or Information Science (research interest: Knowledge and the Digital Economy)
- Mphil/PhD in Business and Economics (research interest: Knowledge and the Digital Economy,
Knowledge Management)** - Mphil/PhD in Information Management (Specialization: Information and Knowledge Management)**
Workshops & Seminars
Knowledge Management in Practice Workshop Series
- 2016-06: Knowledge Management in the Energy Sector
(Co-organizer: Energy Technologies Institute) - 2015-04: Knowledge Management in the Voluntary Sector
Sustainable Knowledge Management Seminar Series
- Jun 2017: Knowledge Management from the Front Line: Setting up a new Knowledge Management service in NHS England
- Feb 2017: Current challenges in the Knowledge Management discipline and practice
KDE-RIG Seminar Series (monthly; was: KM-RIG Seminar Series)
May 2018: Defining, Organising, and Sharing – Knowledge Management in a global and federal environment
Feb 2018: A Systemic Model of Engineering Knowledge Management from the Energy Sector
Nov 2017: The rhetoric of ‘knowledge hoarding’: a research-based critique; Creation of a knowledge map for the technologies for building Cyber-Physical Systems
Oct 2017: European Conference of Knowledge Management participants’ presentations
2016: Feb, Mar, May, ???
Dec 2015: Understanding Expertise as a Multi-situated Practice
Nov 2015: The Perils of Parliamentary Information Management
Sep 2015: PhD researchers’ presentations (A Topography of Knowledge Transfer and Low Carbon Innovation; Innovative Contribution to Organisational Knowledge Management Strategy: A Team Action Learning Initiative; A Study of Knowledge Brokering in Action)
2015: Feb, May, Jun
2014: Feb, Mar, May, Jun, ???, Oct, Nov, Dec
2013: ???, Oct, Nov, Dec
Information Sciences Department Seminars
Oct 2009: How semantic technologies can boost knowledge management: a roadmap from document management systems to reasoning machines
Jan 2008: Social network analysis
May 2006: The role of metadata in managing knowledge
Mar 2006: Knowledge Management in Universities
Feb 2006: Knowledge Management in the voluntary sector
Oct 2010: Management control of knowledge workers (Management Science and Information Systems Research Group)
Jun 2010: Knowledge Exploration and Exploitation, and International Entry Strategies of Small Emerging Economy High-tech Firms (International Business and Strategy Research Group)
Mar 2009: An Investigation of the Interplay of Power and Knowledge during the Implementation of Change in the Banking Sector of an Asian Developing Country (Management Science and Operations Management Research Group)
May 2008: Knowledge Management Implementation Problems and How to Overcome Them
Jun 2007: Knowledge Management or the Management of Knowledge
Feb 2006: From Knowledge to Action? The enactment of innovations in complex organizations
School of Business and Economics > Executive Education*
Short Courses
Information and Knowledge Management Systems subject area
- Social network analysis, handling ‘Big Data’, using social media**