eKnowledgeCenter (eKC)*

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The eKnowledgeCenter (eKC), part of Hudson Associates Consulting, formerly part of Swandogz, the Cognatek Group, and the Innovation Management Institute International (IMII),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


  • Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
    • Local Chapters worldwide
    • Association of Certified Knowledge Managers (ACKM)
    • (Global) Association of Certified Knowledge Managers ((G)ACKM)
    • Volunteer Organization of Certification Knowledge Managers (VOCKM)
    • Global Knowledge Economics Society (GKES)
    • International School of Knowledge Economics (IKSE)
    • ANSI/ISO Knowledge Management Standards Committees
  • Certified Knowledge and Innovation Management Professional Society (CKIMPS)
    • Knowledge Management Certification Board (KMCB) 2)


  • Annual Summit on Women in Knowledge Management (WIKM Summit), October 29-31, 2000, Tucson, Arizona
    Conference Theme: Women in Knowledge Management… The Next Step

      Sub-title: Co-Creating Knowledge Management Communities – A Tucson Learning Experience

      Agenda: Open Space… without a pre-programmed agenda

Knowledge and Innovation Management Certification Center3)

Certification Programs

  • Knowledge Management Professional Development Program
    • Associate Level 1 Program – Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) / Certified Knowledge Environment Engineer™ (CKEE™)
    • Senior Level 2 Program – Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM)/ Knowledge Economics
  • 3 Levels Certification Program**
    • Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM)™
      (Certification Levels 1-3: Associate/Junior, Senior, Executive)
    • Certified Knowledge Economist™ (CKE™)**
      (Certification Levels 1-3: Associate/Junior, Senior, Executive)
    • Certified Knowledge Environment Engineer™ (CKEE™)
      (Certification Levels 1-3: Associate/Junior, Senior, Executive)
    • Combined Certified Knowledge Manager™ (CKM®)/ Certified Knowledge Environment Engineer™ (CKEE™)
      (Certification Levels 1-3: Associate/Junior, Senior, Executive)
  • Certified Knowledge Management Instructor (CKMI)
    – in planning

Certification Courses
(Required to take the certification exam)

Associate/Junior (Level 1) Core Courses (online/eLearning)

    COR 500 Introduction to the Certification Program
       (was 2000-2002: Introduction to the Knowledge Management Certification Program)
    COR 501 Introduction to Knowledge Management Concepts
       (was in 2002: Introduction to Economics-based KM Concepts)
    COR 502 Introduction to the Knowledge Management Method (2000-2003, 2006-present)
       (was in 2002: Introduction to the Knowledge Economics Based Knowledge Management Method; was 2000-2001: Introduction to the Knowledge Management Method Level 1)
    COR 505 KM Case Studies (since 2001: Optional)
    COR 511 eKnowledge and eCommerce
    COR 514 Ethical and Legal Issues in Knowledge Management
    COR 517 Calculating ROI for Knowledge Management Programs/Projects
    COR 520 Ethnography & Taxonomy

Associate/Junior (Level 1) General Knowledge Management (GKM) Track courses (online/eLearning)
(was in 2000: Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) Track courses)

    KMA 531 Program/Project Management for Knowledge Management
    KMA 537 Cultural Transformation for Knowledge Management
    KMA 545 Estimating Knowledge Management Projects (since 2001; until 2002 optional)
       (was in 2002: Estimating Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economics Projects)
    KMA 553 Knowledge Management Strategic & Operational Planning
       (was in 2000: Strategic and Tactical Planning for Knowledge Management, was in 2002: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economics Strategic & Operational Planning)
    KMA 561 Innovation Environment Management

Associate/Junior (Level 1) Knowledge Environment Engineering (KEE) Track courses (online/eLearning)
(was until 2001: Certified Knowledge Environment Engineer (CKEE) Track courses)

    KEE 532 Innovation Environment Analysis & Design
    KEE 538 Knowledge Management Software Tools
    KEE 546 Knowledge Technology Applications (Case: Portals)
       (was in 2000: Knowledge Portals; was 2000-2002: Knowledge Portals Applications)
    KEE 552 Knowledge Technology Design (Case: Portals)
       (was in 2000: Knowledge Portals; was 2000-2002: Knowledge Portals Design)
    Auditing and Benchmarking Knowledge Environments (in 2000 only)
    KEE 560 Physical Space Design and KM (since 2001)
    KEE 568 Social Network Engineering for KM
    Applying Economic Models and Simulation (in 2000 only)
    Advanced Topic in Engineering (in 2000 only)

Associate/Junior (Level 1) Certification Workshop/Seminar (face-to-face or online/eLearning) 4)

    2000-2016 (4 days)
    Introduction – Knowledge and Innovation Economics
    Module 1 – Manage and Engineer Knowledge and Innovation Environments
    Module 2 – Designing Knowledge and Innovation Environments
    Module 3 – Taking the Training Wheels-Off

    2002/08 (3 days)
    Module 1 – Manage and Engineer Knowledge and Innovation Environments
    Module 2 – Designing Knowledge and Innovation Environments
    Module 4 – Transformation
    Module 5 – Extreme Innovation
    Module 6 – Taking the Training Wheels-Off

    2000/10 (4 days)
    Day 1 – Manage and Engineer Knowledge Environments
    Day 2 – Designing Knowledge Environments
    Day 3-4 Taking the Training Wheels-Off

    Before 2000/10 (5 days)
    Day 1 – Introduction
    Day 2-3 – Manage and Engineer Knowledge Environments
    Day 3 – Designing Knowledge Environments
    Day 4 – Taking the Training Wheels-Off
    Day 5 – Extreme Innovation™ Technique

Senior (Level 2) courses (online/eLearning since 2006)

    KME 600 Introduction to Level 2 Knowledge Management Program
    KME 601 Economics Overview
    KME 602 Introduction to Knowledge Economics
    KME 603 Knowledge Production Function
    KME 605 Knowledge Management Economics Interventions
    KME 606 Knowledge Econometrics and the Impact of KME Interventions
    KME 607 Cultural Transformation Using KME
    KME 608 Communities of Practice using KME
    KME 609 Knowledge Portals Using KME
    KME 610 Knowledge Networks Using KME
    KME 620 Knowledge Management Level 2 Certification Project

Knowledge Science and Technology Institute (KSTI) 5)

Certification/Certificate Programs

  • Certified Knowledge Manager
    (awarded by the Knowledge Management Certification Board)
  • Certified Knowledge Economics
    (awarded by the Global Knowledge Economics Council)
  • Certified Knowledge Systems Engineer
    (awarded by the Global Knowledge Economics Council)
  • Knowledge Continuity Planning (May 2002)
  • Knowledge Management for Homeland Defense and Emergency Management (June 2002)

Graduate Degrees/Programs

  • M.S. Knowledge Science and Technology (2002: M.S. Knowledge Management)
    Specialization: General Knowledge Management; Knowledge Science; Knowledge Technology; Innovation Management (TBD); Business (TBD); Government (TBD); Change and Innovation (TBD)
  • Ph.D. Knowledge Science and Technology (2002 Ph.D. Knowledge Management)
    Specializations (TBD): Knowledge Management Leadership; Knowledge Management in Government; Knowledge Technology; Knowledge Economic; Innovation Management; Knowledge Science; Self-designed Specialization)
  • M.S. Homeland Defense and Emergency Management (Emphasis on Knowledge Management) (TBA)
  • Ph.D. Homeland Defense and Emergency Management (Emphasis on Knowledge Management) (TBA)

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