Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
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Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU; Chinese: 香港理工大学), formerly the Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hong Kong Technical College, and the Government Trade School, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) > Behavioral and Knowledge Engineering Research Centre (BAKE)1)
Graduate Programs
- Master of Science in Knowledge and Technology Management2)
(Options: by coursework & dissertation; by coursework & field study - Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) / Master of Science (MSc) in Knowledge Management**3)
(Modes: 6 courses (PgD); 10 courses (MSc); 7 courses & dissertation (MSc))
- Doctor of Engineering** (Research area: Knowledge and Technology Management)
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Industrial and Systems Engineering (Research area: Operations and Supply Chain Management > Knowledge management, intellectual capital management, innovation management and big data; Knowledge engineering and management, and technology management
knowledge mining and business intelligence, intellectual capital management, technology forecasting and roadmapping>; was: Knowledge and Technology Management > …)
Certification Training Courses
- Certified Knowledge Professionals (CKP)4)
Certificate Training Courses
- Certificate Intercultural Knowledge Management / Zertifikat Interkulturelles Wissensmanagement**
(Co-organizer: Industrie- und Handelskammer Dortmund; Technical University Dortmund; German Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong)-
Part 1: Theory at Dortmund University
Application oriented introduction to Knowledge Management (KM) and update information on the latest trends; Intercultural Management and Communication; Chinability; Introduction to the intercultural differences in dealing with knowledge; Case study “Intercultural Knowledge Management”Part 2: Study mission to Hong Kong
Session 1 – Knowledge Audit & Networking dinner with the Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society; Session 2 – Knowledge Portals, Taxonomy and Content Management; Session 3 – Knowledge Management Strategy Planning + Measurement of Results; Visit of production sites
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
- Business Excellence in a knowledge-driven Industry 4.0 world (Professional Certificate) @ edx
Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business (Certificate)
Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your Business (Certificate) - ISE101x: Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business** (Certificate) @ edx
- mISE101: Knowledge Management and Cloud Computing** @ HKMOOC / KEEP
Training Courses
Corporate Training and In-house Workshops
- Knowledge Management Strategy and Audit
- Implementation of Knowledge Management Plan
- Innovation and Gamification
- Intellectual Capital Management
- Management and Reporting of Intellectual Capital
- Knowledge Management Collaboration Technologies and Tools
- Collaboration Technologies and Tools
- Knowledge Management Systems & Enterprise Portals
- Knowledge Management and Enterprise Portals to Academics
- Intranets and Portals
- Knowledge Portal
- Knowledge Management
- M & E-Learning
- Organizational Learning Culture
- Organizational Sharing Culture
- The importance of Storytelling
- Personal Knowledge Management
- Personal Knowledge Management and Social Media
- Social Media Strategies Tools and Applications
- Social Media Strategy
- Cloud Computing for Service Innovation
- Knowledge Management Technologies and Cloud Computing
- Developing Knowledge Elicitation Skills for Organizational Development Practitioners
- Knowledge Management: Common applications, inadequacies and educational issues
- Short course on Customized Certified Knowledge Professionals
- Taxonomy Creation and Maintenance
- Commercial Knowledge Management Software
- Communities of Practice
- Educational Technologies 2.0
- Knowledge Management in Financial Services
- …more Seminars, Workshops and Talks on Topics in Knowledge Management
International Summer School in Knowledge Management (KM)
- 4th International Summer School in Knowledge Management (KM), 10 July 2019, Hong Kong PolyU
New Ways of Learning in the 21st Century-
Lego Serious Play Workshop
Open Curriculum Workshop - 3rd International Summer School in Knowledge Management (KM), 22 August 2018, Hong Kong PolyU
Managing Knowledge in the age of digitalisation
Opportunities and Challenges for Managing Knowledge in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Knowledge Elicitation and Mapping in the Cynefin FrameworkWorkshops:
Lego Serious Play WorkshopCompany Visits:
Arup (Winner of Global Independent Operating Unit (IOU) Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise Award 2015) - 2nd International Summer School in Knowledge Management (KM), 19 July 2017, Hong Kong PolyU
Talks and Reports:
KM in the Age of Digitalization
Role of Gamification in Innovation
How to Elicit Knowledge through Empathy: Case study in Service
Design Thinking
Evidence-based Knowledge Risk Assessment
KM: What is next?Workshops:
How to Start and Sustain a Community of Practice (CoP)
Integration of Gamification and Innovation
Organizational Learning and Beyond: Sharing Mental Models
Organizational Learning and Beyond: Personal Mastery
Workshop Plenary Discussion/ReflectionCompany Visit: (Jul 20; Optional)
Asia Miles - 1st International Summer School in Knowledge Management (KM), 2-4 August 2016, Hong Kong PolyU
Unlearning Knowledge Management-
Online modules:
What is Knowledge Management?
Knowledge Management Tools, Applications & Case studies
How to leverage the cloud for collaboration and innovation?Seminars: (2 days)
Unlearning Knowledge Management
The role of technologies in Knowledge Management
Case studies and lessons learnt
Knowledge Cafe & discussionsSite Visit:
- …on Topics in Knowledge Management
- Global Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Study Group (GMSG)5)
- Hong Kong MIKE Study & Award Secretariat (Co-organizer: Arup University)
- Hong Kong & Mainland China Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Study & Award Secretariat* (Co-organizer: Knowledge Business Network (Mainland China); Teleos)
- Association of Knowledge Management Practitioners (KMP)**6)
- KM in NGO Community (Co-organizer: Hong Kong Council of Social Service Institute)
- KM in the Education Community
- KMIRC members
- Asian Knowledge and Innovation Forum (AKIF)*
(Co-located Events: Hong Kong & Global* Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award Presentation Ceremony; Hong Kong, Mainland China, Asian & Global IOU Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Award Presentation Ceremony*)7) - International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (IKMAP)**
- (Hong Kong) Knowledge Management Conference / Forum**
(Co-organizer: Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society; KMRC @ Hong Kong PolyU) - Knowledge Management (KM) Forum for NGOs**
(Co-organizer: Hong Kong Council of Social Service Institute) - China Knowledge Management Annual Conference cum MIKE (Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprises) Award
- 2022 China Knowledge Management Annual Conference and the 12th China MIKE Awards Ceremony, October 27, 2022, Shenzhen, China
(Co-organizer: Landray Research Institute; Technology Innovation Research Center, Tsinghua University; Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; China National Institute of Standardization) - 2021 China Knowledge Management Annual Conference and 11th China MIKE Award Ceremony, October 28, 2021, Shenzhen, China
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management Practices and Trends in the Digital Age
(Co-organizer: Technology Innovation Research Center, Tsinghua University; Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; China National Institute of Standardization; Landray Research Institute)
- 2022 China Knowledge Management Annual Conference and the 12th China MIKE Awards Ceremony, October 27, 2022, Shenzhen, China
- Knowledge Management Summit Forum cum China MAKE (Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises) Award
- 11th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2014, October 30, 2014, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
(Co-organizer: School of Economics and Management, Tongji University; Lanling Software; Zhishang.com; Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University) - 10th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2013, November 29, 2013, Peking University, Bejing, China
Be smart about the present and see the future wisely
(Co-organizer: Guanghua School of Management, Peking University; Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Lanling Software; Zhishang.com) - 9th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2012, November 30, 2012, Shanghai, China
Wisdom is only for practice
(Co-organizer: Lanling Software; IBM, Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Zhishang.com) - 8th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2011, March 18, 2011, Shenzhen, China
Ten Years of Knowledge, Long-lasting Knowledge
(Co-organizer: Lanling Software; Knowledge Management Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Zhishang.com)
- 11th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2014, October 30, 2014, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
- 3rd Cross-Strait Conference on Learning, Technology and Human Development (LTHD 2013), 3-4 July 2013, Hong Kong PolyU, Hong Kong
Skill needs and learning in the knowledge age
(Co-organizer: KMIRC, Hong Kong PolyU; Business Education Research Centre, Peking University, Shih Chien University of Taiwan; China Telecommunications Institute; Journal of Distance Education in China)-
Comprehensive learning, innovation and ideological transformation
Creating and Delivering Engaging eLearning Experiences
Use online media to enrich students’ learning experience
Industry 4.0: New Challenges for HR and trainingPresentation Themes:
Socialized Learning and Lifelong Learning
Learning Technology
Future Learning and Human DevelopmentMassive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Forum:
Revolution or Evolution?: How edX is Transforming the Delivery of Higher Education by Universities
MOOCs and the art of liberating human potential
Disrupting Education? MOOCs and More
Panel Discussion - Applying Knowledge Management in Education Sector, 5 July 2011, Hong Kong PolyU, Hong Kong
(Supporter: Hong Kong Subsidised Secondary Schools Council; Hong Kong Primary Education Research Association; Centre for IT in Education, University of Hong Kong)-
Practices and challenges related to implementing KM in schools
Cloud-based personal learning environment
Social learning networksPanel Discussion:
Knowledge Management Practices in EducationLaunch:
KM in the Education Community - Knowledge Management in Government Forum, 11 June 2010, Hong Kong
Building Organizational Intelligence for Service Intelligence-
- International Conference on Business Knowledge Management (ICBKM), 26-28 October 2006, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao SAR, PR China
(Co-Organizer: Macao Polytechnic Institute, Peking University, Queen Mary University of London, KMRC @ Hong Kong PolyU, Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society, Fu Jen Catholic University)-
Knowledge Management Strategies and Best Practice
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Intelligent Data and Information Retrieval
Content Management and Intellectual Property ManagementKeynotes:
Innovation, Competition and Innovation Path: the Case of China
Ucommerce: Vision, Challenges and Technological Enablers
Global Trends in Knowledge Management – from Codification and Collaboration
KM – the future of Business
From Knowledge to Wisdom – towards Strategy Business ActionPresentations:
Agent-based Information Sharing and Semantic Information Retrieval from Heterogeneous Databases
A Model for Knowledge Management System for Offshoring
Reconstituting Knowledge Management
The Connection of Self-directed Learning to Learning Organizations and Knowledge Management – Implications for the Knowledge Workers of Hong Kong
A Knowledge-based Approach for Semantic Extraction
Mining Context-sensitive Domain Ontology for Business Knowledge Management
Knowledge-based Design of Internet Shop
Knowledge Management and Publishing: The Role of Intangibles in Digital Supply Chains
Knowledge Management a Foundation for Renewal in Health Services
The LIFE Model: Towards a New Understanding of the Knowledge Processing Feedback System
- Hong Kong Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Awards
- Hong Kong Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Awards
- Outstanding Knowledge Management Project Award
Education Development Center (EDC)
PolyU Communities of Practice (CoPs)
Learning to Learn (L2L; 2020-2022)
- Mar 2022: Learning to Learn (L2L) Video Contest Workshops
L2L Video Contest Orientation
How to communicate effectively through videos?
How to make good videos with smartphones? - Dec 2021: (CoP) Learning to Learn “Know-Hows” Workshop Series
How to help students develop sense of purpose and make learning content meaningful to themselves?
How to help students increase their motivation for learning and manage their emotions?
How to help students believe in themselves and become curious about learning new knowledge?
How to help students manage their learning by themselves and improve themselves from their learning experience?
How to help students engage in learning for deep understanding and know how to improve their learning?
How to help students learn better when working with other people and engage themselves in different learning environments?
(CoP) Learning to Learn Series
Apr 2024: How to Help Students Reflect on Their Learning to Promote Their Learning to Learn Development (Re-run)
Nov 2022: How to Help Students Reflect on Their Learning to Promote Their Learning to Learn Development
Aug 2022: How to Support Students’ Learning to Learn Development through Academic Advising
May 2022: Learning to Learn (L2L) Video Contest Awards Presentation Ceremony
Nov 2021: Developing a Departmental Learning to Learn Strategy (Re-run); Developing a Departmental Learning to Learn Strategy; Balancing Teacher-directed & Student-directed Teaching & Learning by Knowing How Our Brain Learns (Re-run)
Sep 2021: Balancing Teacher-directed & Student-directed Teaching & Learning by Knowing How Our Brain Learns
Jun 2021: Developing Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Ability – An FCE Experience
Oct 2020: Reinvigorating Learning in Fast-Changing Times
PolyU Hong Kong Community College (PolyU HKCC)
- Associate in Business (Information Systems and Knowledge Management)**