Cranfield University*
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Cranfield University, formerly the Cranfield Institute of Technology and the College of Aeronautics (CoA), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Cranfield Defence and Security (CDS) 1)
Short Courses / Contiuning Professional Development (CPD)
- Knowledge in Defence (5 days)**
- 2021-Present Core Content: (Note: No course dates available)
Understanding knowledge and what it is- how we think and how we learn,
Concept of organisational learning and knowledge management practice,
Knowledge (information) management strategies,
Impediments to learning,
Communities of practice,
Research practice.2016-2020 Core Content:
Types of knowledge and their roles within organisations
The development of knowledge based organisations
Developing and managing intellectual capital
Knowledge management and IT infrastructures
Transferring knowledge across functional and organisational boundaries
Developing and capturing new knowledge
Knowledge and innovation
Ownership, intellectual property and exploitation. - Information and Knowledge Management (5 days)**
- 2012-2017 Core content:
Data, information and knowledge
Determining information needs
Knowledge exchange
Conditions for innovation
Knowledge mapping and codification
Facilitating knowledge transfer - Task Analysis and Knowledge Elicitation (1 day)**
- 2008-2011 Syllabus:
The background to work and task analysis
The principles of Hierarchical Task Analysis and Functional Decomposition
Practical workshop – analysing a real-life task by decomposition
The use of THE HTA TOOL on the same task
Making the most of your analysis, advanced features of THE HTA TOOL
The background to Cognitive Task Analysis with a focus on the elicitation of Knowledge, Skills & Abilities data
Practical exercise – analysing a task for necessary Knowledge, Skills & Abilities
Introduction to the Cranfield Cognitive Toolset
The use of these methods for software design and HCI Assessment
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Department Of Information Systems (DoIS)
- Knowledge Management Systems MSc/PgDip/PgCert** (distance learning) 2)
- 2001-2007:
Compulsory Modules: (select 4 (MSc/PgDip) or 2 (PgCert) modules)
Foundations of Knowledge
Organisational Knowledge
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management SystemsOptional Modules: (select 4 (MSc/PgDip) or 2 (PgCert) modules)
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Programming
Knowledge Storage and Sharing
Knowledge Discovery
Knowledge Interfaces
Knowledge EngineeringMSc project (dissertation and oral examination)
2001 Study modules: (select 10 (MSc/PgDip))
Knowledge Management
Organisational Behaviour
Human Behaviour
Knowledge Networks
Knowledge Systems
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Programming
Knowledge Engineering
Knowledge Storage
Knowledge InterfacesMSc project (dissertation and oral examination)
- Exploiting Knowledge and Information in Government Symposium (EKIG)**
The Exploiting Knowledge and Information in Government Symposium (EKIG), a natural successor to the Exploiting Information and Knowledge in Defence Symposium (EIKD), will feature a range of sessions from general knowledge and information management related presentations to some on more specific defence related topics. EKIG will provide an excellent opportunity to learn about current and future information and knowledge related projects and activities across Government and speakers will cover a wide range of subjects – IT, skills, culture, leadership, secure processes, collaborative working, managing information risk and professional skills.Conference History:
- EKIG 2009, 29-30 September 2009, Cranfield University, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Note: The conference was replaced by the replaced by the Exploiting Information and Knowledge in Defence Symposium (EIKD 2010)
Conference Program tbd; CANCELLED
- EKIG 2008, 1–2 October 2008, Cranfield University, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
(Organizer: The National Archives, Ministry of Defence (Defence Academy of the United Kingdom); Sponsors: Government’s Knowledge Council)- CIO for Defence
Getting Mashed in the Public Sector – How the Power of Information is Changing our approach to Public Information
Developing the Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Profession
Information Exploitation in Joint Operations
Joint Reference Information Management Capability
Administering and Recharging for Shared Information
Knowledge Management Progress at Department of Health
Transformational Knowledge Management – Shaking up Organisations of the Future
Managing Talent in the 21st Century
Communities of Practice in Local Government
Social Software in Law Firms
CoMEx: Facilitating the Transfer of Knowledge
Delivering Strategic, Operational and Tactical Effect: Information as Weapon (or Tool) of Choice
Knowledge Management in Defra Review Programme
Developing an Information Exploitation Capability
Model Driven Requirements
Exploiting Information to Drive a Balanced Portfolio
Pandemic Influenza: Why We Should Be Very Afraid and How Will Defence Cope?
GKIMN wiki: Connecting People and Building CapabilityDisplay Area (exhibition)
- EKIG 2009, 29-30 September 2009, Cranfield University, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
- Exploiting Information and Knowledge in Defence Symposium (EIKD)**
The Exploiting Information and Knowledge in Defence Symposium (EIKD), sponsored by the Chief Information Officer in the Ministry of Defence, features expert speakers from Industry, Government and Academia, attracts wide representation from the Defence community, and provides an excellent opportunity to learn about current and future information related activities and projects.Conference History:
- 11th EIKD 2010, 5-6 October 2010, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: The Information Agenda- Day Themes:
The Wider Information Agenda; Defence Information AgendaKeynotes:
How do you Deliver ICT Unfettered by the BackPresentations:
The Government Information Agenda
The future of Defence Intelligence Fusion
The Knowledge Edge Force: A New Zealand Perspective
Exploiting DII/F Capability – The Art of the Possible
- 10th EIKD 2009, 6-7 October 2009, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Better Decisions Through Better Use of Information- Keynotes:
Information in Defence in ContextPresentations:
Being the Defence CIO
People – Sufficient, Capable, Motivated
Information – Where we are, Where we want to be and How we will get there”
External view of Information Access & Protection Issues
Developing the Government KIM Community
Splitting Strategy and Delivery of KIM: The Home Office Story
How good Knowledge Management can help to reduce Carbon emissions and reduce climate change
Operational Record Keeping – Archives in Afghanistan Case Study
How we exploit information
A view from the Battlelab
An ISO View
DII Collaborative Working & EDRM (incl. “Capability Exploitation – Alamein & Blenheim” and “iMOSS implementation – A
Business Unit View”)
- 9th EIKD 2008, 4-5 June 2008, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: n.a.- Conference Program n.a.
- 8th EIKD 2007, 6-7 June 2007, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Conference Theme. n.a.- Presentations:
Transformational Government
Knowledge Council
Joint Industry Transformation Plan
Info in Afghanistan
DII – the key to the information conundrum
Department of Health Knowledge management work
Defence Capability Centre (also update on IM Training)
IX programme update
Knowledge Management
Future of Knowledge Management
Management of knowledge
Communities and collaboration
MOD and Industry’s Data Quality Programme – through-life management and data integration
Developing the Information Layer for Defence
EU Research in the Area of Semantic Web Services
Knowledge Management at PJHQ
Information Maturity ModelSpeaker panel
- 7th EIKD 2006, 5-6 July 2006, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Integrating the Information Layer across the Enterprise- Conference Program n.a.
- 6th EIKD 2005, 26-27 July 2005, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: n.a.- Conference Program n.a.
- 5th EIKD 2004, 21-22 July 2004, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Exploitation of embodied, embedded, and represented knowledge as well as network enabled common services and capability- Keynotes: (2)
n.a.INFORMATION FOCUS Presentations:
The Information Exploitation Programme
Making NEC work for MOD
Knowledge Analysis and Beyond
Information Logistics: The Importance of Structure for Information Exploitation
Delivering NITEworks: one year on
D.E.A.T.H. – The Key to Effective Information ExploitationJohn Campbell, QinetiQ and JC ConsultingPEOPLE FOCUS Presentations:
Concept of Use: New Ways of Working for DefenceW
NEC- the Human Extrapolation
Human Effectiveness in a Knowledge Sharing Environment
RAF Trade Group Design Through Task-Based Skills AnalysisPROCESS FOCUS Presentations:
The Practical View of Information Coherence
Exploiting Information and Knowledge to Inform Balance of Investment
IM/KM in Action – Implementing the Joint Operations Picture
A Model for Information-led Deployed Operations
Information Management in Multinational, Multi-organisation Defence Projects – are you legal?
Defining the Equipment Capability RequirementTECHNOLOGY FOCUS Presentations:
Delivering the Baseline for NEC
Enabling Information Creation and Management with GIS
E-Business Goes Ballistic in Warship Support
EIKD – A QinetiQ Perspective (tbc)Panel Discussions:
Panel of Experts: People Focus
Panel of Experts: Technology Focus - 4th EIKD 2003, 23 – 24 July 2003, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Manage our information better- Conference Program n.a.
- 3rd EIKD 2002, 30 April – 2 May 2002, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: n.a.- Conference Program n.a.
- 2nd EIKD 2001, 30 May – 1 June 2001, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Effective information management- Conference Program n.a.
- 1st EIKD 2000
Conference Theme: n.a.- Conference Program n.a.
- 11th EIKD 2010, 5-6 October 2010, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
School of Applied Sciences (SAS) > Manufacturing Department > Decision Engineering Centre 3)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Knowledge Management for Innovation MTech** 4)
- Knowledge Management for Innovation MSc/PgDip/PgCert** 5)
- 2010 ff. Compulsory Modules: 40% (select 8 (MSc/PgDip) or 6 (PgCert) modules)
Enterprise Systems (and Management)
Knowledge Acquisition and Creation
Design Driven Innovation (Processes)
General Management
Knowledge Systems Design
Information Management
Enterprise Modelling
Strategic Knowledge Management2007-2009 Compulsory Modules: 40% (select 8 (MSc/PgDip) or 6 (PgCert) modules)
Strategic Knowledge Management
Knowledge Acquisition and Creation
Data Management
Enterprise Systems (and Management)
Enterprise Modelling
General Management
Knowledge System DesignMSc Projects:
Group Project (or dissertation for part-time students) 20%
Individual Research Project 40% - Knowledge Management for Enterprise Development MSc** 5)
- 2006 Taught Modules: 40% (select 8 (MSc/PgDip) or 6 (PgCert) modules)
Business processes
– Understanding Knowledge
– Business Process Analysis
– Enterprise ModellingBusiness technology
– Data Management
– Enterprise ComputingCore integration skills
– General Management
– Enterprise Integration
– Knowledge System DesignGroup project: 20% (or dissertation for part-time students)
Individual project: 40%
Short Courses / Contiuning Professional Development (CPD)
- Strategic Knowledge Management (5 days; 2007-2017)**
- Introduction to strategic knowledge management
Strategic knowledge management tools and techniques
Building knowledge management into the strategic framework
The impact of SKM on organisations
Strategic decision making process
Leadership and knowledge management
Business process analysis and management
Case studies - Knowledge System Design (5 days; 2007-2012)**
- Knowledge system technologies
Enterprise systems
Collaborative working in supply chain
Transaction processing through the Internet
Enterprise application integration
Visual modelling with UML
Data protection and security
Specifying a knowledge workspace for collaborative project
Collaborative working tools
Building a knowledge workspace for collaborative project using BSCW - Knowledge Acquisition and Creation (5 days; 2007-2012)**
- Introduction to knowledge and knowledge management concepts
Knowledge acquisition: principles, guidelines, process and techniques
Knowledge representation schemes
Knowledge sharing techniques
Models of knowledge creation
Learning organisation
Knowledge management implementation case studies
Systems thinking and diagramming / soft systems
Cranfield Health school*
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Organisational Knowledge MSc/PgDip/PgCert**
- 2007-2009
Assessed taught modules: 40% (select 8 (MSc/PgDip) or 6 (PgCert) modules)
Organisations and Knowledge
Business Management and Health Economics
The Learning Organisation
Organisational Transformation and Change
Knowledge Acquisition
Organisational Modelling
Organisational Operations
Knowledge Management SystemsMSc Projects:
Group project 20%
Individual research project and thesis 40%
Business week (Organisations share their experiences)