Knowledge Management Education & Training Providers Worldwide
Asian Providers
Featured Providers (Asia)
- Knowledge Management Society of Korea (KMSK)Seoul, Republic of Korea
On this page you can browse the Asian regions and countries for Knowledge Management education and training providers.
Asian Providers
Eastern Asia
Countries in this region: China, Dem. People’s Rep. of Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, China, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, Taiwan
ChinaHong KongJapanMongoliaRepublic of KoreaTaiwan
- Bassetti Group
- Beijing Rown Technology*
- Celemi
- China Knowledge Management Network (ChinaKM)*
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- iknowma*
- Knoco
- Knowledge Management Center (KMCenter)
- MentoringCo
- ServiceNow
- Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
- Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS)
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- Global Think-Tank for Organizational Tacit Knowledge Management (GO-TKM)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- ServiceNow
- The Conference Board (TBC)
- Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
- Central China Normal University (CCNU)
- Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS)
- Global Think-Tank for Organizational Tacit Knowledge Management (GO-TKM)
- International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)
- International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE) Committee
- International Joint Conference on Knowledge Graphs (IJCKG) Steering Committee
- International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
- Knowledge Management Center (KMCenter)
- Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM) Steering Committee
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- The Conference Board (TBC)
- Tsinghua University (THU)
- Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)*
- City University of Hong Kong (CityU)
- Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
- Technische Universität Dortmund (TU Dortmund)*
- The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)
- University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- Anecdote International
- Knowledge Associates (Cambridge)
- Knowledge Dialogues
- Professional Development Training (PDT)
- Asia Pacific Intellectual Capital Centre (APICC)
- Asian College of Knowledge Management (ACKM)*
- Association of Knowledge Management Practitioners (KMP)*
- Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS)*
- Hong Kong Knowledge Management Forum (HKKMF)*
- Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society (HKKMS)
- Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)*
- Knowledge Management Development Centre (KMDC)
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Knowledge Management in Non-Governmental Organizations Community (KM in NGO)*
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- The Conference Board (TBC)
- Hong Kong Knowledge Management Forum (HKKMF)*
- Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society (HKKMS)
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
- Hong Kong Web Society (HKWS)
- International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)
- Knowledge Management Development Centre (KMDC)
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- The Conference Board (TBC)
- Doshisha University*
- Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
- University of Tsukuba*
- Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
- Help Desk Institute (HDI)
- International Society for Knowledge and Systems Sciences (ISKSS)
- Japan Society of Information and Knowledge (JSIK)
- Knowledge Creation Principle Consortium (KCPC)
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Knowledge Management Society of Japan (KMSJ)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF)*
- ServiceNow
- Society for Organizational Learning Japan (SoL Japan)
- USU Software
- Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
- Help Desk Institute (HDI)
- International Institute of Applied Informatics (IIAI)
- International Society for Knowledge and Systems Sciences (ISKSS)
- Japan Society of Information and Knowledge (JSIK)
- Knowledge Creation Principle Consortium (KCPC)
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Knowledge Management Society of Japan (KMSJ)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI) Conference Committee
- Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF)*
- University of Tsukuba*
- USU Software
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
Note: You may also want to browse the page with eLearning providers or the page with providers not categorized by region, country, and provider type.
South-central Asia
Countries in this region: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
AghanistanBangladeshIndiaIranKazakhstanKyrgyzstanNepalPakistanSri LankaUzbekistan
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)
- Bharathiar University
- Bharathidasan University (BDU)
- Global Open University Nagaland
- Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM Ahmedabad)*
- Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIM Kozhikode)*
- Indian Institute of Science (IISc)*
- Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur)*
- Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras)
- Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee)
- Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)*
- Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad (IMT Ghaziabad)*
- Management Development Institute (MDI)*
- Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG)
- SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST)*
- University of Kerala (UoK)
- University of Mysore (UoM)
- Woxsen University
- Acies Innovations
- Anecdote International
- AskOnline Technologies*
- Core Excellence*
- eGain Corporation
- eSoftCircle
- Euro Training Global (ETL)
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- IMA International
- International Knowledge Management Institute (KM InstituteTM)
- Knowledge Associates (Cambridge)
- Knowledge Dialogues
- KnowledgeFountain
- Knowles Training Institute
- Lpcube Systems India*
- ServiceNow
- Sieger Training Consultatnts
- Syne Holdings*
- Tracons Solutions*
- Webizus Consulting*
- Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
- Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
- Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)*
- Global Association of Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) Communities (GASC)
- Global Development Network (GDN)*
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA)*
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Indian Chapter (ISKO India)
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
- LASSIB Society*
- Library Professionals Association (LPA)
- National Productivity Council (NPC)
- Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science (SRELS)
- ServiceNow
- The Conference Board (TBC)
- The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
- AIRCC Publishing Corporation
- Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)
- Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
- Bharathidasan University (BDU)
- Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
- Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)*
- eGain Corporation
- Fun & Joy at Work
- Global Association of Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) Communities (GASC)
- Global Development Network (GDN)*
- Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad (IMT Ghaziabad)*
- Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Community (KGSW Community)
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
- Lex Witness*
- Library Professionals Association (LPA)
- Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth*
- Management Development Research Foundation (MDRF)*
- Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG)
- MindTree Consulting*
- Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science (SRELS)
- SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST)*
- Sushant University*
- The Conference Board (TBC)
- The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
- University of Mysore (UoM)
- Woxsen University
- Allameh Tabataba’i University (ATU)
- Alzahra University
- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM)
- Kharazmi University (KhU)
- Sharif University of Technology (SUT)*
- Tarbiat Modares University (TMU)
- University of Isfahan (UI)
- University of Qom
- University of Tehran (UT)
- Industrial Management Institute (IMI)*
- KMA Knowledge Management Associates (KM Associates)
- Knoco
- Knowledge Associates (Cambridge)
- Global Association of Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) Communities (GASC)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Iran Branch (ISKO Iran)*
- Knowledge Management Austria – Institut für Wissensmanagement
- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM)
- Global Association of Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) Communities (GASC)
- Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)*
- KheradParsi Institute*
- Knowledge Management Austria – Institut für Wissensmanagement
- Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals (OGP) Info Institute*
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
Note: You may also want to browse the page with eLearning providers or the page with providers not categorized by region, country, and provider type.
South-eastern Asia
Countries in this region: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Dem. Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam
BruneiCambodiaIndonesiaLaosMalaysiaMyanmarPhilippinesSingaporeThailandViet Nam
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Acies Innovations
- Dunamis Organization Services*
- INSIGHT Knowledge Partners*
- K2B International*
- KMPlus Consulting
- Knoco Indonesia
- MDF Training & Consultancy*
- Warta Training
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Asia eUniversity (AeU)
- Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU)*
- Curtin University*
- International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
- Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG)
- Multimedia University (MMU)
- TAJ International College (TIC)*
- Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
- Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)*
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
- Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
- Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP)
- Anecdote International
- Dreamsoft*
- Euro Training Global (ETL)
- FrankieKnowledge Consulting
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- International Knowledge Management Institute (KM InstituteTM)
- K2B International*
- Knoco
- Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM)*
- Professional Development Training (PDT)
- Quest Learning
- Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC)*
- Straits Knowledge
- The Media Shoppe (tms)*
- TST Consulting
- Asian Institute of Modern Management (AIMM)*
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- Knowledge Management Association of Malaysia (KMAM)*
- Malaysia Knowledge Management Roundtable (MY KM Roundtable)*
- Persatuan Capaian Maklumat dan Pengurusan Pengetahuan (PECAMP)
- Curtin University*
- FrankieKnowledge Consulting
- Malaysia Knowledge Management Roundtable (MY KM Roundtable)*
- Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG)
- Paradigm Systems*
- Persatuan Capaian Maklumat dan Pengurusan Pengetahuan (PECAMP)
- Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)*
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
- Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Center For Conscious Living Foundation (CCLFI)
- Knowledge for Development Impact Network (KM4Impact)
- Knowledge Management Association of the Philippines (KMAP)*
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Society for Organizational Learning Philippines (SoL Philippines)*
- Society of Knowledge Management Professionals (SKMP)*
- Civil Service College (CSC) Singapore*
- Curtin University*
- Monash University (Monash)
- Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
- National University of Singapore (NUS)*
- Singapore Institute of Management (SIM)
- University of Canberra (UC)*
- Acies Innovations
- DNV Group
- Euro Training Global (ETL)
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- K2B International*
- Knowledge Associates (Cambridge)
- Knowles Training Institute
- Professional Development Training (PDT)
- ServiceNow
- Straits Knowledge
- The Cynefin Company
- Tuesday People*
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Singapore Chapter (ISKO SG)*
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Knowledge Management Society (KMS), Singapore
- ServiceNow
- Society for Organizational Learning Singapore (SoL Singapore)*
- The Conference Board (TBC)
- Anecdote International
- IMA International
- Knowledge Management Institute (KMI) Foundation*
- Professional Training Service (PTS)*
- ServiceNow
- Thai Rating and Information Service Corporation (TRIS)
- Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
- Global Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award International Committee (GMAIC)
- Innovation and Knowledge Management Club (iklub)*
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Knowledge Management Professional Center Asia (KMPCA)*
- ServiceNow
- Thailand Knowledge Management Network (TKMN)
Note: You may also want to browse the page with eLearning providers or the page with providers not categorized by region, country, and provider type.
Western Asia
Countries in this region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen
ArmeniaBahrainIraqIsraelJordanKuwaitLebanonOmanQatarSaudi ArabiaTurkeyUAE
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Bar-Ilan University (BIU)*
- International School for Social and Business Studies (ISSBS)
- University of Haifa (UH)
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Insight Solutions and Services Company (ISSC)*
- International Knowledge Management Institute (KM InstituteTM)
- Kadhema Scientific Consultancy & Services (KSCS)*
- Knoco
- Knowledge Associates (Cambridge)
- Kuwait Government
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- American University in the Emirates (AUE)
- Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG)
- Middlesex University*
- The British University in Dubai (BUiD)
- Zayed University (ZU)*
- Acies Innovations
- Aurion Business Consultants
- Datamatix Group*
- Euro Training Global (ETL)
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- Indepth Research Institute (IRES)
- International Knowledge Management Institute (KM InstituteTM)
- KMA Knowledge Management Associates (KM Associates)
- Knoco
- Knowledge Associates (Cambridge)
- Knowledge Consultants (KCI)
- Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF)
- ServiceNow
- Syne Holdings*
- Zoe Talent Solutions
Note: You may also want to browse the page with eLearning providers or the page with providers not categorized by region, country, and provider type.