The Knowledge Management Education Hub
KMedu Hub Resources
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On this page you can find various resources relevant to Knowledge Management education and training and the Knowledge Management career path, resp. Currently you can discover 707 publications (articles, books, blogs, etc.), 71 discussions in forums, 36 multimedia (videos, audios & photos), and 839 links (external resource pages and #KMedu Weekly tweets).
#KMedu Hub’s WWW Resources
More resources are available from KMedu Hub’s communities and channels on twitter, LinkedIn, vimeo, or Youtube.
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KMedu Hub Resources
- “Leading” rather than “managing” knowledge
- Analyzing the Knowledge Management Job Market
- APO Knowledge Management Facilitators’ Guide
- Careers in Knowledge Management (KM)
- Certification for knowledge management professionals
- Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
- Chief Knowledge Officer and Reward Structures
- Chief knowledge officers & chief learning officers: 17 case studies
- Chief learning officers build learning organizations
- Community Management: Role, Profession or Discipline?
- Designing the Knowledge Management Team
- Development of knowledge management curricula in universities
- Educating Knowledge Managers: A Competence-Based Approach
- Executive’s Role in Knowledge Management
- Handbook for Knowledge Managers
- How to Sell Knowledge Management
- iKMS Knowledge Management Competencies Framework
- Implications of Knowledge Management for LIS education
- Implications of Knowledge Management for the LIS professions
- Information and Knowledge Management Education at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland
- Information and Knowledge Professional’s Career Handbook
- Information Management Training Resources Guide
- International Delphi Study on Knowledge Leaders’ Critical Issues
- Knowledge Activist’s Handbook
- Knowledge brokers in not-for-profit inter-organisational communities of practice
- Knowledge Management Education Across the United States Department of Defense
- Knowledge Management Education, Roles, Responsibilities and Core Competencies
- Knowledge Management Leadership Across the United States Department of Defense
- Knowledge Management Organizational Structure
- Knowledge Management Professionals Position Themselves for Greatest Success
- Knowledge Management: Cultivating knowledge professionals
- Knowledge Professional’s Role in Knowledge Management
- Leadership in an Information Society
- Leadership in the Knowledge Economy
- Model of knowledge management roles and collectives
- Organizational knowledge leadership
- Practices of knowledge managers
- Professional Learning for Knowledge Services
- Public-Sector Chief Knowledge Officer
- Roles and Responsibilities to Manage the Knowledge Management Strategy
- Roles and skills for knowledge management – A TFPL Report
- Specialist Training: Cultivating Knowledge Management Professionals
- Successful Knowledge Leadership
- Technical competencies in knowledge management and training issues
- TFPL Knowledge & Information Management Competency Dictionary
- The Knowledge Management Team
- The Knowledge Strategist
- University Knowledge Management Education in South Africa
- US Army Knowledge Management Officer Necessary?
- What’s a Chief Knowledge Officer
- World Bank Sample Community and Knowledge Management Job Profile Descriptions
- “Knowledge Management” Track @ Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
- “Mary Poppins” Knowledge Management Practitioner
- 13 Knowledge Management Position Descriptions
- A Day in the Life of a 2003 Knowledge Manager
- A Design Thinking Approach to Teaching Knowledge Management
- A new Knowledge Management group: Association of Knowledgework (AoK)
- Accepting Knowledge Management into the LIS fold
- Accidental Knowledge Manager
- Active learning methods supporting knowledge management courses
- actKM – Analysing a Public Sector Knowledge Management Community of Practice
- Adult IT programs: a discourse on pedagogy strategy and the Internet
- Advance Knowledge Management into the University of Puerto Rico’s Graduate Studies
- Alternatives to Officers and Chiefs of Knowledge
- An Analysis of Knowledge Management Master’s Programs at LIS Schools
- Analysing introductory-level knowledge organization courses
- Analysis of job advertisements for information and knowledge managers
- Anatomy of the Knowledge Management Group of Philadelphia
- Anbieterübersicht Wissensmanagement-Weiterbildungen
- Appointing a Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)?
- Are librarians the ultimate knowledge managers?
- ASIS&T panel on Career Development in Knowledge Management
- ASIS&T panel on Challenges in Knowledge Management Education
- ASIS&T panel on Knowledge Management in Library and Information Science Education
- ASIS&T panel on the Knowledge Management career
- Assess Your Knowledge Translation Competencies
- Assessing and Analysing Knowledge Organization Courses in LIS Education
- Assessing knowledge manager learning needs
- Attributes of information service professionals for information and knowledge management
- Ausgezeichneter Industriearbeitskreis “Wissensmanagement in der Praxis”(WIMIP)
- Benefits gained by firms when driven by the Knowledge Manager
- Blended Knowledge Management Course @ National Changhua University of Education
- Boundary spanners, gatekeepers and knowledge brokers
- Business Librarian’s Changing Role
- Career in Knowledge Management?
- Career Opportunities in Knowledge Management (ICASIT’s KMCentral)
- Case Study: The Knowledge Management honours degree @ Southampton Solent
- Certified Knowledge Manager Program prepares for Knowledge Management Leadership
- Champions Of Knowledge
- Changing knowledge manager role
- Chief Information Officer (CIO) to Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) Transfromation
- Chief Knowledge Management Officer for the United States?
- Chief Knowledge Officer – Managing an enterprise’s strategic information
- Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) – Evangelist, juggler, facilitator
- Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) – What’s in a name?
- Chief knowledge officer (CKO) provides leadership
- Chief Knowledge Officer as Knowledge Champion
- Chief knowledge officer in South Africa
- Chief Knowledge Officer Neccesary?
- Chief Knowledge Officer or Knowledge Executive a future role for librarians?
- Chief Knowledge Officer Wanted!
- Chief Knowledge Officer’s ethical challenges
- Chief Knowledge Officer’s Raison d’Être
- Chief Knowledge Officers (CKOs) in Canada?
- Chief knowledge officers & chief learning officers: 17 case studies
- Chief Knowledge Officers 2005, 2009, and 2015
- Chief Knowledge Officers Add Value!
- Chief Knowledge Officers affect customer capital
- Chief Knowledge Officers and knowledge management
- Chief knowledge officers in government agencies
- Chief Knowledge Officers Leverage Information
- Chief Knowledge Officers’ Skills and Job Responsibilities
- Chief learning and chief knowledge officer not just ’90s fad
- Chief learning officers build learning organizations
- CILIP Chartered Knowledge Manager!?
- CILIP library and information careers: Knowledge Manager et al
- Columbia seeks Associate Professor or Professor in Information & Knowledge Strategy
- Coming Soon: The Chief Knowledge Officer
- Communities of Practice Make Perfect
- Community Management: Role, Profession or Discipline?
- Community of knowledge management practitioners in the aerospace industry
- Companies With Positions In Knowledge Management
- Competencies Sought by Information and Knowledge Employers
- Comprehensive Knowledge Management – A New Programme in Post Graduate Education
- Concept for preparing students for knowledge management
- Course Concept for preparing students for knowledge management
- Critical Future Knowledge Management Skills
- Critical Skills for Process and Knowledge Professionals
- Culture, Leadership, and Chief Knowledge Officers
- Culture, Leadership, and Chief Knowledge Officers (CKOs)
- Curricularer Ansatz eines Executive Master of Knowledge Management
- Customer Knowledge Management Competencies
- Death of the Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
- Demystifying the Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
- Design & implementation of a simulation game for teaching knowledge management
- Designing a Knowledge Management Syllabus
- Designing and managing intervention methods to promote Self-Regulated Learning
- Develop knowledge activists!
- Developing effective knowledge activists
- Developing Information and Knowledge Professionals in Kuwait
- Developing Standards for Knowledge Management Education Programs
- Developing Teachers’ Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) Competencies
- Development of the International Council on Knowledge Management
- Developments in information science education at Nanyang TU
- Diffusion of Knowledge Management Education in LIS Schools
- Digital Knowledge Manager skills in Marketing
- Dimensions of Knowledge Management: they know not its called knowledge… but they can manage it!
- Discussing Certification for Knowledge Management practitioners @ ICASIT’s KM Roundtable 2/01
- Distributed Practice Simulations to teach Knowledge Management
- Do Knowledge Managers need education AND/OR skills and experience?
- Do You Need a Chief Knowledge Officer?
- Does Professional Certification in Knowledge Management Exist?
- Does the Israeli Knowledge Managers Forum manage knowledge?
- Don’t Look to Certification Bodies for Knowledge Management Professionals
- Dow Chemical’s information stewards
- Educating for a knowledge management future
- Educating future knowledge-literate library and information science professionals
- Educating Knowledge Management Professionals
- Educating Knowledge Professionals in Library and Information Science Schools
- Educating Librarians as Information and Knowledge Managers
- Educating Seven Information Skills for Personal Knowledge Management
- Education and Training for Knowledge Organization – Knowledge Organization 2023, Special Issue
- Education for knowledge management
- Embedded (Community) Knowledge Manager
- Emerging Academic Discipline of Knowledge Management
- Engaging knowledge management learners @ Singapore Management University
- Evaluating thinking styles for knowledge management education
- Evolution of knowledge management education
- Examining Class Participation @ Nanyang Technological University
- Executive’s Role in Knowledge Management
- Experiential approach to teaching Knowledge Management
- Exploring the benefits of Knowledge Management education for LIS professionals
- Exploring the value of academic qualifications in Knowledge Management
- Fast-Track Knowledge Management Careers
- Finding the perfect knowledge manager
- First-Ever “Knowledge Professorship” Created
- Foreign knowledge brokers’ ethics
- Formal and non-formal Knowledge Management education in Russia
- Framework for Teaching Knowledge Management
- Framework to develop comprehensive Knowledge Management degree programs
- From Information Services (IS) to Knowledge & Information Management (K&IM): The “New” CILIP Group
- Future role of knowledge and information professionals
- Global Knowledge Managers Survey Results 2023
- Governance and Leadership of Knowledge Management
- Graduate Innovation and Knowledge Management Curriculum at Near East University
- Graduate programs related to Knowledge Management
- Grundsätze des Masters Informations- und Wissensmanagement der FH Hannover
- Head of Knowledge’s Course of the Day
- Health and Social Care Knowledge Management Competencies
- Hidden Knowledge Facilitators in R&D Online Communities
- Hiring a Knowledge Management Consultant
- Historical Analysis of Knowledge Management Curricula
- Hot new job title: Chief knowledge officer
- How Clowd Computing Fosters Constructivist Learning in a Knowledge Management Class
- How information and knowledge management students seek information
- How Knowledge Mangement is taught and discussed in UK top 40 business schools
- How to hire your first knowledge manager
- How to overcome pitfalls of (E)ER and UML in Knowledge Management education
- IAKM on Knowledge Management Education at ECKM and ICKM 2016
- ICICKM 2012: Mini Track on Teaching Knowledge Management
- Impact of transformational and transactional leadership on organizational knowledge
- Implementing a Knowledge Management Program for the U.S. Army
- Implications of knowledge management for library and information science education
- IMS Master’s specialization in Knowledge Management @ Monash University
- Incorporating Knowledge Management education into LIS curriculum
- Increasing opportunities for knowldege certification
- Industry 4.0 soft skills for information and knowledge management practitioners
- Information & Knowledge Management Curricula at the Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS)
- Information & Knowledge Management Education for Nigeria’s LIS Schools
- Information and Knowledge Management Competencies for Information Professionals
- Information and knowledge management curriculum for the SCECSAL region
- Information and knowledge management research of post-graduates in South African LIS schools
- Information and knowledge management teaching and research in South Africa
- Information Manager/Librarian to Knowledge Manager
- Information Professionals Supporting the Knowledge Management Environment
- Information professionals working with knowledge
- Innovative learning in a postgraduate Knowledge Management course @ RMIT
- Insights on Knowledge Management Networks Management
- Instructional Case for Knowledge Management
- Integrated Curriculum Development: Knowledge Management Master’s Degree @ CSUN
- Integration of Knowledge Management with the LIS Curriculum
- International Delphi Study on Knowledge Leaders’ Critical Issues
- International Perspectives on Knowledge Management Education – Library Trends 2023, Special Issue
- Interview with Knowledge Management guru Dr. Michael JD Sutton
- Investigando una concentración de gestión del conocimiento para el programa de posgrado BCI en la Universidad de Puerto Rico
- Investigating the Data Analytics and Knowledge Management Job Market
- JDN Dossier ‘Métier: Knowledge Manager’
- Job functions and requirements for knowledge managers in South Africa
- Kent State Case Study in Knowledge Management Education
- KMCI Position Statement on Knowledge Management Standards and “Certification” Programs
- KMCI’s Knowledge Management Certification Programs
- KMedu relevant articles in the ‘Toolbox for IT Wiki’
- Knoco’s ‘Bird Island’ Knowledge Management workshop
- Knowledge Activists’ Successes and Failures
- Knowledge Advisors at Hewlett-Packard
- Knowledge Brokering and Intermediary Concepts
- Knowledge Brokers in Management Consulting
- Knowledge brokers to connect research and practice
- Knowledge Brokers’ Qualities
- Knowledge brokers’ skills and attributes
- Knowledge building in the International Association for Knowledge Management (IAKM)
- Knowledge Champion’s Legacy
- Knowledge Champions in Textile & Clothing Business Labs
- Knowledge champions to facilitate knowledge management
- Knowledge changes everything
- Knowledge Economy Competencies
- Knowledge engagement specialists’ competencies
- Knowledge Facilitators in Pharma
- Knowledge Governance Conceptual Framework
- Knowledge Integrator Nodes (KINs)
- Knowledge leader role
- Knowledge leader role in a changing organizational environment
- Knowledge Leaders as Multipliers
- Knowledge leaders: a new breed of manager
- Knowledge Leadership
- Knowledge Management (KM)’s Relevance to Library and Information Science (LIS)
- Knowledge Management (South Africa) Competency Framework
- Knowledge Management Ambassadors at the Hong Kong Police Force
- Knowledge Management and the Information Professional
- Knowledge management and the LIS professions
- Knowledge Management as part of the IS undergraduate curriculum
- Knowledge management careers primer
- Knowledge Management Certification Board (KMCB) Facts
- Knowledge Management Certification: Valuable Credential or Snake Oil?
- Knowledge Management Champions: Who, What, Why?
- Knowledge Management communication and education plan
- Knowledge Management community of development practitioners – KM4Dev
- Knowledge Management Competencies and Education for LIS Professionals
- Knowledge Management Competencies and Emerging Trends in the KM Job Market
- Knowledge Management Competencies Development
- Knowledge Management Competencies for Nigerian Academic Librarians
- Knowledge Management Competencies: Is Certification The Way To Go?
- Knowledge Management Core Team Job Descriptions
- Knowledge management course for MBA / EMBA programs @ Riga Business School
- Knowledge Management Curriculum and Research at George Washington University
- Knowledge Management Curriculum Development at the University of Economics in Katowice
- Knowledge Management Discipline: Test for an Undergraduate Program in Turkey
- Knowledge Management Education and Curriculum Development
- Knowledge Management education and training at the Universiti Teknologi MARA (Malaysia)
- Knowledge Management Education and Training in 2012
- Knowledge Management Education and Training in Kenya
- Knowledge Management Education Forum (KMEF) – SMR International Special Report
- Knowledge management education in Australia suitable for LIS professionals?
- Knowledge Management Education in Digital Library Learning
- Knowledge Management Education in iSchools
- Knowledge Management Education in Library and Information Science Schools
- Knowledge Management Education in LIS Programs?
- Knowledge Management education in the departments of LIS in South Africa
- Knowledge Management education in the US military services: A Multiple-Case Study
- Knowledge Management Education: An Overview of Programs and Instruction
- Knowledge Management Education: Why…, and How
- Knowledge Management for 21st Century Information Professionals
- Knowledge Management goes to school
- Knowledge management governance to drive strategy
- Knowledge Management Implementation Team
- Knowledge Management in Academia (AOK Star-Series)
- Knowledge management in an engineering curriculum
- Knowledge Management in Education, Education in Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Management Interactive Training System
- Knowledge Management Jobs in Kenya
- Knowledge Management Leadership Yardstick (AOK Star-Series)
- Knowledge management librarians @ International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
- Knowledge Management managers of the future: librarians and information professionals
- Knowledge Management Modules: An Analysis of Coursework
- Knowledge Management Officer Need, Skills, and Tools
- Knowledge management opportunities for librarians
- Knowledge Management professionals in blue chip companies
- Knowledge management programs at RMIT
- Knowledge management roles and responsibilities in Australia (and New Zealand)
- Knowledge Management Skills and Capabilities Required in South Africa
- Knowledge Management Skills and Competencies of Information Professionals
- Knowledge Management Skills Requirements Report
- Knowledge Management Students’ Relationships @ Nanyang TU
- Knowledge management teaching and dissemination concepts
- Knowledge Management through the Lens of LIS: A Study of Job Advertisements
- Knowledge Management Training (APQC Resource Collection)
- Knowledge Management Training at Universities
- Knowledge Management Training to Improve Employee Performance
- Knowledge Management Undercover: Redefining the Knowledge Manager
- Knowledge Management User Training and Education
- Knowledge Management vs. Competitive Intelligence
- Knowledge Management-based training for creativity education
- Knowledge management, librarians and information managers
- Knowledge Management: Education for Information Professionals
- Knowledge management: opportunities of IS graduates
- Knowledge Manager by Accident
- Knowledge Manager Career Guide & Interviews
- Knowledge Manager in Knowledge Product Development
- Knowledge Manager’s Many Lives
- Knowledge Managers in Supply Chain Management
- Knowledge Master – a collaborative learning program for Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Officer’s Reflections
- Knowledge Organization Competencies Project
- Knowledge Organization Courses in LIS Graduate Programs
- Knowledge Organization Curriculum Development
- Knowledge Organization Education in Iran
- Knowledge organization education: a study
- Knowledge Professional’s Role in Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Roles, Knowledge Management Skills, and Organization Structures
- Knowledge Roles: The Chief Knowledge Officer and Beyond
- Knowledge Scientists
- Knowledge Share Fair and KM4Dev meeting in Colombia
- Knowledge Stewards’ Profiles
- Knowledge-conscious curriculum
- Knowledge/ information organization course curriculum: emerging trends
- KPMG’s International Chief Knowledge Officer
- Law Firm Chief Knowledge Officer’s Mission and Work
- Leaders of Knowledge Initiatives: Qualifications, Roles & Responsibilities
- Leadership driving knowledge management behaviours
- Leadership for Effective Knowledge Management
- Leadership styles & knowledge management
- Leadership styles in the process of knowledge acquisition
- Leading Knowledge Management Societies Merge
- Learning Objectives for a Government Knowledge Management Certification Course
- Learning organization leaders’ portraits
- Leveraging E-learning System for Effective Teaching of Knowledge Management
- Librarian and Information Professional as Knowledge Navigator
- Librarians as Knowledge Mangers
- Librarians the ultimate knowledge managers?
- Library and information professionals and knowledge management
- Library and information science, knowledge management, curriculum
- Library and Knowledge Science Education!?
- Library Career Guide for Knowledge Management
- Line managers as knowledge sharing facilitators
- Linking Knowledge Management and LIS at McGill University
- LIS professionals and knowledge management: some recent perspectives
- Look at the Top 10 Knowledge Management Challenges
- Make Your Knowledge Management Career Recession-Proof
- Master of Business Systems as information and knowledge management qualification
- Master’s on Technology, Knowledge and Innovation @ Sofia University
- MBA knowledge management course @ McMaster University: Impact after graduation?
- Microblogging / twitter in a knowledge management course @ Singapore Management University
- Migrating LIS Professionals into Knowledge Management Roles
- Money, Testosterone and Knowledge Management
- Most Influential Knowledge Management Ambassador
- Moving from Librarian to Knowledge Manager
- MSc in Knowledge Management Systems at Cranfield
- Nanyang TU’s interdisciplinary graduate program in knowledge management
- Need for collaboration in Knowledge Management education in the LIS sector
- Neue Studiengangsleiterin für Master „Angewandtes Wissensmanagement“ @FHBurgenland
- New breed of senior manager responsible for intellectual capital
- New Certificate in Knowledge Management @ Dominican University
- New Insight on Knowledge Leadership
- New M.Phil. in Information and Knowledge Management @ Stellenbosch University
- New Rationale for Chief Knowledge Officers
- New Role for Information Professionals: Knowledge Management
- Newly formed Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society (HKKMS)
- Nine Knowledge Management Career Search Tips
- Nottingham Law School’s Post-graduate Diploma in Know-How Management for Legal Practice
- Nurse leader as chief knowledge officer
- Opinion Leader to Influence Knowledge Management Socialization
- Organisational communities of practice leader profiles
- Organizational knowledge integrators
- Organizational knowledge leadership
- Personal Knowledge Management Roles
- Perspectives on education for knowledge management
- Plattform Wissensmanagement – Stern im Wissensmanagement-Orbit
- Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento da UFSC
- Postgraduate education in systems engineering and knowledge management
- Power-influence for the Knowledge Leader
- Practices of knowledge managers
- Preserve knowledge about Knowledge Management education!
- Principles of Knowledge Management Integrated into Learning Activities
- Professional’s Perceptions about Knowledge Organization Curricula
- Professionalization of Knowledge Management
- Proposal for an international society of knowledge professionals
- RealKM Open Knowledge Management Syllabus
- RealKM Series on “Educating Knowledge Managers”
- RealKM Series on “Education and professional accreditation for knowledge managers”
- Reasons for and impact of chief knowledge officers
- Redesigning the graduate program of LIS at Chiang Mai University
- Responding to the Challenges of Knowledge Management Education in the LIS Sector
- Rise of the Knowledge Broker
- Rise Of The Knowledge Evangelist
- Role of Effective Chief Knowledge Officer
- Role of Information Professionals in Knowledge Management Programs
- Role of knowledge brokers in Japanese communities of practice
- Role of the chief knowledge officer
- Role of the Chief Knowledge Officer in organisations
- Role that knowledge organization professionals could play
- Roles and responsibilities of a knowledge management team
- Roles of librarians as knowledge professionals
- Roles, skills and training for Knowledge Organization
- Roles, tasks, units, and activities for Knowledge Management
- Routes into Knowledge Management
- Rules for leaders of knowledge citizens
- Second Comparative Study of Knowledge Creation Conference Report
- Self-efficacy and Knowledge Management course weighting selection
- Seven Cross-cultural knowledge absorption abilities
- Shaping the Knowledge Management Profession
- SKEMA Business School Awarded for Serious Knowledge Management Game
- Skills and competencies required to work with knowledge management
- Skills and educational requisites in knowledge management job ads
- So, just what is a knowledge cafe?
- Society 5.0 Knowledge Managers Curriculum
- Special librarians: key catalysts in the knowledge continuum
- Special Libraries Association, its Knowledge Management Division, and certification
- Special Library Association’s Certificate Program for Knowledge Management Professionals
- Specialization in IKMS for the Undergraduate CS Curriculum
- Start Knowledge Management Education & Training in Primary School!
- Structuring a Knowledge Management Team
- Structuring Competencies for a Knowledge Management Executive Program
- Students as Knowledge Ambassadors
- Study and Analysis of Malaysian Knowledge Management Practitioners’ Training Preferences
- Study and Framework of Chief Knowledge Officer Effectiveness
- Study: What knowledge managers really do
- Studying Knowledge Management at Masters Level
- Successful Knowledge Leadership
- Survey Findings on Knowledge Managers’ Characteristics and Activities
- Survey on Challenges and Competencies needed by Chief Knowledge Officers
- Sustainability in the Information & Knowledge Management Curriculum
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning for Teaching Knowledge Management Courses
- Tacit Knowledge and Pedagogy at UK Universities
- Teaching e-Government and Knowledge Management
- Teaching knowledge management as a discipline in high schools
- Teaching knowledge management by combining wikis and screen capture videos
- Teaching Knowledge Management in Criminal Justice Education
- Teaching Knowledge Management in postgraduate LIS education at Edith Cowan University
- Teaching Knowledge Management in the Context of IS Education
- Teaching Knowledge Management Systems in Architecture
- Teaching Knowledge Management to secondary education teachers through an action research model
- Teaching knowledge management with TANGO
- Teaching knowledge organization
- Teaching Knowledge Technology in Grammar Schools
- Teaching to learn and learning to share @ University of Johannesburg
- The Chief Ignorance Officer (CIO)
- The Chief Knowledge Officer has a key role!
- The Chiefs of Knowledge: CKO, CLO, and CPO
- The Education of the Knowledge Professions. An Interview with Bo Newman
- The Hindu Opprtunities: Careers in Knowledge Management
- The Knowledge Counselor
- The Knowledge Librarian
- The Knowledge Management Master’s Curriculum @ the University of Linz
- The Role Of Knowledge Management In Creating Transformational Organizations & Leaders
- Titelthema ‘Wissensmanager’ in ‘wissensmanagement – Das Magazin…’
- Towards a Knowledge Management Model for the Information Management Curricula
- Towards an International Knowledge Management Certification Program
- Training and Education for Knowledge Management
- Training and Education in Knowledge Management
- Training strategies to promote the ability to learn
- Transformational Leadership Influences Knowledge Management to Improve Organizational Performance
- Trend: Assigning the strategic functions of knowledge management to the chief information officer
- Trendiest Job in Business: Chief Knowledge Officer
- Trends creating the Knowledge Manager of the Future
- Types of Knowledge Brokers: An Integrative Framework
- U.K. Government Knowledge & Information Management Professional Skills Framework
- U.S. Air Force Knowledge Management Career Field Education and Training Plan
- U.S. Army Enterprise Knowledge Management Competency Model
- UK Knowledge and Information Management Salary & Workforce Mapping Surveys
- Umfassende Weiterbildung in wissensorientiertem Management
- University-based Approach to the Diffusion of KM Concepts and Practice
- US Army Knowledge Management Officer Necessary?
- US Department of the Navy Civilian Career Path Guide for Managing Knowledge etc.
- US Federal Organizations Create Chief Knowledge Officer Role
- Utilizing innovative computing tools for teaching Knowledge Management
- Value of internal knowledge infomediaries
- Variety of titles: chief information, chief learning, and chief knowledge officers
- What Challenge is the Education in Knowledge Management?
- What chief knowledge officers (CKOs) do
- What knowledge managers really manage?
- What makes a good Knowledge Asset Manager?
- What Questions to Ask When Hiring a Chief Knowledge Officer
- When knowledge is golden
- Who Is This Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) Anyway?
- Who Makes a Good Knowledge Champion?
- Will the Real Knowledge Managers Please Step Forward?
- Wissensmanagement-Studientour durch Deutschland
- 2,000th graduate in the US Army Knowledge Management Qualification Course
- 30 Years of Organizational Learning, Development & Knowledge Management @ George Mason University
- AIIM calls for participation on developing Knowledge Management Standards
- APQC introduces certified knowledge manager course
- Ausgezeichneter Industriearbeitskreis “Wissensmanagement in der Praxis”(WIMIP)
- Barbados Knowledge Management Counsellors Graduate
- Cal State’s Cross-disciplinary 24-month Cohort program in Knowledge Management
- Careers in (Federal) Knowledge Management
- CSUN’s Online Master’s in Knowledge Management on Hiatus
- CUREE Knowledge Management Job Descriptions
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC) Offers Knowledge Management Certification Program
- Hochwertiger Bildungsexport nach Japan – Masterstudiengang “Wissens- und Technologiemanagement”
- Hudson Associates Consulting Acquires eKnowledgeCenter
- Kent State Seeks Professor in Knowledge Management
- KM Zertifikatslehrgang in Wien – neuer Start am 25.09.2008
- Knowledge Management Education Forum (KMEF) – Invitation to participate
- Knowledge Management Education Forum 2013 Will Be Launching in February!
- Knowledge Management Summer Institute ’09, University of Washington, Seattle
- Library Career Guide for Knowledge Management
- Neue Studiengangsleiterin für Master „Angewandtes Wissensmanagement“ @FHBurgenland
- New MSc in Information and Knowledge Strategy @ Columbia University
- Notre Dame of Maryland Introduces Master’s in Knowledge Management
- SKEMA Business School Awarded for Serious Knowledge Management Game
- Special Library Association’s Certificate Program for Knowledge Management Professionals
- TFPL knowledge and information skills toolkits
- TKMN – A Strategic Alliance to Strengthen Knowledge Management in Thailand
- Wissensmanager (IHK) Zertifikatslehrgang startet am 21.10.2008 bei der SIHK in Hagen
- Zertifikatslehrgang ‘Wissensmanager (IHK)’ 2009 in Mannheim
- Advance Knowledge Management into the University of Puerto Rico’s Graduate Studies
- Careers in (Federal) Knowledge Management
- Critical Future Knowledge Management Skills
- Critical Skills for Process and Knowledge Professionals
- Death of the Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
- Evolution of knowledge management education
- Framework to develop comprehensive Knowledge Management degree programs
- How to Build Expertise in Knowledge Management
- IAKM on Knowledge Management Education at ECKM and ICKM 2016
- Information and Knowledge Management Competencies for Information Professionals
- Insights on Knowledge Management Networks Management
- Knowledge facilitators add value to organisations
- Knowledge Management Champions: Who, What, Why?
- Knowledge Management Core Team Job Descriptions
- Knowledge Management Curricula session @ 1105 KM Conference 2010
- Knowledge Management education, adoption and research in Hong Kong
- Knowledge Organization Competencies Project
- Postgraduate education in systems engineering and knowledge management
- Practices of knowledge managers
- Role that knowledge organization professionals could play
- Roles, skills and training for Knowledge Organization
- Skills and educational requisites in knowledge management job ads
- Structuring a Knowledge Management Team
- Teaching Knowledge Management in the Context of IS Education
- Teaching Knowledge Management: Investigating Scenarios and Applying Technologies
- U.S. Army Enterprise Knowledge Management Competency Model
- Advice for the Knowledge Management Master’s degree at Kent State University
- Any certification for Knowledge Management?
- Aspects of Knowledge Management to establish standards?
- Can anyone do Knowledge Management?
- Certification necessary for Knowledge Management?
- Exact role of the effective Knowledge Manager?
- Experience or knowledge about Knowledge Management certification programmes?
- Gaps in the range of Knowledge Management education/ certification?
- German-language Knowledge Management Training for Newbies?
- Global Knowledge Management Congress & Awards: Credible?
- Higher Education Knowledge Management Courses: Tell Your Stories
- How can KM4Dev influence academia and curricular development?
- How to Conduct a Knowledge Management Strategy Workshop?
- Information & Knowledge Management Executives in the New York metro area?
- Information on Knowledge Management Compensation?
- Investigating Knowledge Management certifications. Any recommendations?
- Knowledge Activist’s Handbook
- Knowledge Brokering and Intermediary Concepts
- Knowledge Management & Librarians?
- Knowledge management a viable and sustainable career path?
- Knowledge Management Certification
- Knowledge Management Certification – one KM professional’s opinion
- Knowledge management certification advice?
- Knowledge Management certification for a global law firm partner?
- Knowledge Management certification in Brazil
- Knowledge Management Certification or Certificate Training
- Knowledge Management certification to help my chances for a new job?
- Knowledge Management Certification Training
- Knowledge Management Certification, any ideas?
- Knowledge Management Certification: Any suggestions
- Knowledge Management certification: Worthwhile? Standard? Vendors?
- Knowledge Management certifications recommendations for international development folks
- Knowledge Management Competency Frameworks?
- Knowledge Management Conferences in EUROPE?
- Knowledge Management conferences to attend?
- Knowledge Management degree or certification?
- Knowledge Management Education Forum 2013 Will Be Launching in February!
- Knowledge Management Employment?
- Knowledge Management guardian, steward or…?
- Knowledge Management in Academia (AOK Star-Series)
- Knowledge Management Job Ladder
- Knowledge Management Jobs: Recruiting and Applying Practices
- Knowledge Management Leadership Yardstick (AOK Star-Series)
- Knowledge Management PhD?
- Knowledge Management programs and degrees at universities and colleges
- Knowledge Management role titles & responsibilities?
- Knowledge Manager and Knowledge Architect Competencies
- Knowledge Manager Need Technological Skills?
- Knowledge Managers in Private Organizations?
- Knowledge managers losing jobs right now?
- Malaysia: Local Knowledge Management Certification!!
- Master’s degree programs in Knowledge Management
- NY/NJ/PA Area Knowledge Management (SIKM) Get Together
- Online Course Content for Newbie Knowledge Management Professionals?
- Online Masters degree in Library Management or Knowledge Management?
- Professional certifications in Knowledge Management by authorized bodies?
- Scarcity of Knowledge Management jobs in South Africa?
- Seeking “customer facing” Knowledge Management job/role descriptions
- Seeking a list of Knowledge Management certification providers
- Seeking PhD in knowledge management
- Skills for Knowledge Managers?
- Suggest good courses in knowledge management in an unbiased manner
- Teaching knowledge management as a discipline in high schools
- The best certification for Knowledge Management?
- The most recognized Knowledge Management certification?
- Titelthema ‘Wissensmanager’ in ‘wissensmanagement – Das Magazin…’
- Toolbox for IT Group ‘Knowledge Management Career’
- Value of being a Certified Knowledge Manager?
- What Knowledge Management Certification would you recommend obtaining?
- What to put in an agile Knowledge Management training
- YES, Knowledge Management practitioners should have some say!
- 30 Years of Organizational Learning, Development & Knowledge Management @ George Mason University
- Advice for Newbie Knowledge Managers
- Andrew Trickett: Confessions of a Knowledge Manager
- APQC Podcasts on Knowledge Management Career Path and Skills
- Being a Knowledge Manager for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Building careers in knowledge translation practice
- Careers in (Federal) Knowledge Management
- Competencies and Assessment of Knowledge Management Teams
- Critical Future Knowledge Management Skills
- Critical Skills for Process and Knowledge Professionals
- Day in the Life of a Knowledge Management Attorney
- Francisco (Spain) about the Knowledge Management MSc at Cranfield University
- How to Sell Knowledge Management
- iKMS Knowledge Management Competencies Framework
- Information and Knowledge Professional’s Career Handbook
- Kent State Online Open House 7/2008: Online Options for Graduates in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Broker Power in the AEC Industry
- Knowledge Management Champions: Who, What, Why?
- Knowledge Management Competencies and Education for LIS Professionals
- Knowledge Management Core Team Job Descriptions
- Knowledge Management education and certification in African universities
- Knowledge Management Role Models, Skills, Compentencies, and Experiences
- Knowledge Manager Career Guide & Interviews
- Knowledge Organization Competencies Project
- Make Your Knowledge Management Career Recession-Proof
- Meet the Knowledge Mobilizers
- Professional Education and Development for Knowledge Managers
- Role that knowledge organization professionals could play
- Roles, skills and training for Knowledge Organization
- Structuring a Knowledge Management Team
- Support Knowledge Manager’s Day with AI
- The Knowledge Strategist
- Things to Know Before Becoming a Knowledge Manager
- Truth about Chief Knowledge Officers and Knowledge Managers
- Working as a Knowledge Manager: Idea and Reality
- World Bank Sample Community and Knowledge Management Job Profile Descriptions
Note: The #KMedu tweets (2011-2017), the weekly digests from the KMedu Hub’s microblogging account on twitter are not included here.
- ‘KM education’ on Denham Grey’s KMwiki
- Andre Saito’s wiki on Knowledge Management education at JAIST
- Careers in (Federal) Knowledge Management
- Compiling academic Knowledge Management programs
- David Gurteen’s List of Knowledge Management Education Programs
- Information Management Training Resources Guide
-’s Knowledge Management Degrees and Certificate Programs List
- KMA’s Knowledge Management education resource site
- Knowledge Management Certification
- Knowledge Management Certification Training
- Knowledge Management Certification, any ideas?
- Knowledge Management Communities, Competencies, Education & Events on ‘The Knowledge Bucket’
- Knowledge Management Communities, Conferences & Training
- Knowledge Management Education in Hong Kong
- Knowledge Management Education Links (ASIS&T SIG-KM)
- Knowledge Management Events – Online & Free of Charge
- Knowledge Management in Academia Resources (ICASIT’s KMCentral)
- Knowledge Management PhD Programs, Supervisors & Examiners
- Knowledge Management programs and degrees at universities and colleges
- Master’s degree programs in Knowledge Management
- Records Management Society’s Guide to Distance Learning Options
- SKMFs Seite: Ausbildungangebote im Bereich Wissensmanagement
- SLA Knowledge Management Division’s ‘Degrees and Certificates’ sites
- Toolbox for IT Group ‘Knowledge Management Career’