Knowledge Management Education & Training Providers Worldwide
European Providers
Featured Providers (Europe)
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)Brussels, Belgium
- Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement (GfWM)Berlin, Germany
On this page you can browse the European regions and countries for Knowledge Management education and training providers.
European Providers
Eastern Europe
Countries in this region: Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Ukraine
Note: You may also want to browse the page with eLearning providers or the page with providers not categorized by region, country, and provider type.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- KM-Alliance – Association of Russian Knowledge Management Specialists and Experts
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Commonwealth of Business Development Organizations in Russia (COMAP)
- KM-Alliance – Association of Russian Knowledge Management Specialists and Experts
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Oleg Bunin Conferences (Ontico)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation
- Triple Helix Association (THA)
- University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University)*
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
Northern Europe
Countries in this region: Channel Islands, Denmark, Estonia, Faeroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom
Note: You may also want to browse the page with eLearning providers or the page with providers not categorized by region, country, and provider type.
DenmarkEstoniaFaeroeFinlandIcelandIrelandLatviaNorwaySwedenUnited Kingdom
- Aalborg University (AAU)
- Aarhus University (AU)*
- Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
- Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)*
- University of Copenhagen (UCPH)*
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- Aberystwyth University (Aber)*
- Anglia Ruskin University (ARU)*
- Aston University*
- Birmingham City University (BCU)
- Cardiff University
- City St George’s, University of London (City St George’s)
- Cranfield University*
- Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)*
- Kingston University*
- Lancaster University*
- Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU)*
- London Metropolitan University (London Met)*
- London School of Business and Finance (LSBF)*
- London South Bank University (LSBU)
- Loughborough University (Lough)*
- Middlesex University*
- Newcastle College*
- Newcastle University*
- Northumbria University*
- Nottingham Trent University (NTU)*
- Oxford Brookes University*
- Robert Gordon University (RGU)
- Sheffield Hallam University (SHU)*
- Solent University*
- Staffordshire University
- Stonebridge Associated Colleges (Stonebridge Colleges)
- The Open University (OU)
- Ulster University (UU)
- University College London (UCL)
- University of Aberdeen
- University of Bedfordshire
- University of Bradford*
- University of Brighton*
- University of Buckingham*
- University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)*
- University of East Anglia (UEA)
- University of East London (UEL)*
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Hull*
- University of Leeds*
- University of Manchester
- University of Oxford
- University of Portsmouth*
- University of Reading
- University of Sheffield
- University of Southampton*
- University of Strathclyde*
- University of Surrey (UniS)*
- University of the West of England (UWE)
- University of the West of Scotland (UWS)*
- University of Warwick
- University of West London (UWL)
- University of Westminster*
- Anecdote International
- ARK Group
- BizMedia*
- David Skyrme Associates*
- eGain Corporation
- Euro Training Global (ETL)
- Eurofocus International Consultants*
- European Knowledge Group (eKG)*
- First Strategy Communications*
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- Graphwise (Ontotext & Semantic Web Company)
- Gurteen Knowledge
- iknowma*
- IMA International
- International Knowledge Management Institute (KM InstituteTM)
- IT Governance*
- Janders Dean International*
- K3-Cubed*
- KMS Lighthouse
- Knoco
- Knowledge Associates (Cambridge)
- Knowledgeable
- Learning Tree International*
- livepro
- Oracle Knowledge (InQuira)*
- practical KM*
- Professional Development Training (PDT)
- ServiceNow
- Straits Knowledge
- Syne Holdings*
- Teleos*
- The Programme Support Office (PSO)*
- TheKnowledgeBusiness
- Unicom Seminars
- Vanir Systems*
- Zoe Talent Solutions
- 21st Century Knowledge Management Group*
- Alan Turing Institute (The Turing)
- Asian Institute of Modern Management (AIMM)*
- Aslib – The Association for Information Management*
- Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM)
- Association for Project Management (APM)
- BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
- British Academy of Management (BAM)
- Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)
- Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
- Design Research Society (DRS)
- European Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management (EUDOKMA)*
- European Knowledge Management Forum (KnowledgeBoard)*
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- Gurteen Knowledge Community
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: UK Chapter (ISKO UK)
- KES International
- KIN – The Innovation Network*
- Knowledge and Community Network (KCN)*
- Knowledge Managers in London (KMers in London)
- Knowledge Network
- Knowledge Politics Think-Tank*
- Knowledge Quarter (KQ)
- London Information and Knowledge Exchange (LIKE)*
- London Knowledge & Innovation Network (LKIN)*
- Network for Information and Knowledge Exchange (NetIKX)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Regulatory Science Ireland (RSI)*
- ServiceNow
- Society for Computers and Law (SCL)
- Teleos*
- TFPL Connect Community*
- The Henley Forum (THF)*
- United Kingdom Social Networks Association (UKSNA)*
- 21st Century Knowledge Management Group*
- Academic Conferences International (ACI)
- Alan Turing Institute (The Turing)
- ARK Group
- Aslib – The Association for Information Management*
- Association for Project Management (APM)
- BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
- BizMedia*
- British Academy of Management (BAM)
- CB Resourcing
- Cranfield University*
- Design Research Society (DRS)
- eGain Corporation
- Engage Business Media*
- European Knowledge Management Forum (KnowledgeBoard)*
- Graphwise (Ontotext & Semantic Web Company)
- Gurteen Knowledge
- Hanson Wade Group
- Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: UK Chapter (ISKO UK)
- International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)
- Janders Dean International*
- KES International
- Knowledge Quarter (KQ)
- livepro
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Operational Research Society (The OR Society)*
- Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Community (OLKC Community)
- Osney Media*
- Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Incorporated (KR, Inc.)
- Regulatory Science Ireland (RSI)*
- Staffordshire University
- Teleos*
- The Henley Forum (THF)*
- Thomson Reuters*
- Unicom Seminars
- United Kingdom Knowledge Mobilisation Forum Planning Group
- United Kingdom Social Networks Association (UKSNA)*
- University of Hertfordshire (UOH)*
- University of Leeds*
- Vanir Systems*
- Venture Marketing Group
Southern Europe
Countries in this region: Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Gibraltar, Greece, Holy See, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain
Note: You may also want to browse the page with eLearning providers or the page with providers not categorized by region, country, and provider type.
Bosnia & Herzeg.CroatiaGreeceItalyMaltaPortugalSloveniaSpain
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (UNIBO)
- Istituto Studi Direzionali (ISTUD)*
- Libera Università di Bolzano (unibz)
- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC)*
- Università degli Studi di Macerata (UNIMC)*
- Università degli studi di Verona (UNIVR)*
- Alto Adige Business School (AABS)
- Euro Training Global (ETL)
- it Consult*
- JEKPOT – The Knowledge Management Company
- OpenKnowledge
- SDG Group*
- ServiceNow
- USU Software
- European Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management (EUDOKMA)*
- European Society of Concurrent Enterprising Network (ESoCE-NET)*
- International Association for Knowledge Management (IAKM)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Sezione Italia (ISKO Italia)
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- ServiceNow
- Society for Organizational Learning Italy (SoL Italy)*
- USU Software
- Currently no training providers listed.
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Currently no conference providers listed.
- BE Wenger-Trayner
- KMA Knowledge Management Associates (KM Associates)
- KMS Lighthouse
- knowman
- Straits Knowledge
- Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (AISTI)
- Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (CLAD)*
- Comunidad Iberoamericana de Sistemas de Conocimiento (CISC)*
- Intellectual Capital Association (ICAA)
- International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Capítulo Español-Portugal (ISKO Ibérico)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (AISTI)
- Comunidad Iberoamericana de Sistemas de Conocimiento (CISC)*
- Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC)
- Intellectual Capital Association (ICAA)
- International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Capítulo Español-Portugal (ISKO Ibérico)
- knowman
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Currently no societies, associations or communities listed.
- Colegio Oficial de Graduados e ingenieros Técnicos de Minas y Energía del Principado de Asturias (COLMINAS)*
- Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)*
- Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)*
- Universidad Camilo José Cela (UCJC)*
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)*
- Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores (UNICEPES)
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
- Universidad de Extremadura (UEX)*
- Universidad de León (ULe)
- Universidad de Murcia (UM)
- Universidad de Salamanca (USAL)*
- Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)*
- Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM)*
- Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO)
- Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (UEMC)*
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)*
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA)*
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)
- Universitat de Lleida (UdL)
- Universitat de València (UV)*
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
- Universitat Ramon Llull (URL)
- Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
- University of Deusto*
- Belly Knowledge Management International (BKMI)
- Belt Ibérica*
- ComuNET*
- Desarrollo Integral Alternativo (DIAL)*
- efios*
- Formación sin Barreras*
- Knowledge Associates (Cambridge)
- Knowledge Works
- Manager Institut Bildung für die Wirtschaft
- Multimedia Business Center (Grupo MBC)*
- Neos Conocimiento y Aprendizaje
- ServiceNow
- BOBCATSSS Association
- Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación (CEEIs)*
- Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (CLAD)*
- Comunidad Iberoamericana de Sistemas de Conocimiento (CISC)*
- European Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management (EUDOKMA)*
- Foro del Conocimiento e Innovación Intellectus*
- Fundación IberoAmericana del Conocimiento (FIC)*
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Capítulo Español-Portugal (ISKO Ibérico)
- Knowledge Works
- ServiceNow
- Society for Organizational Learning Spain (SoL Spain)*
- BOBCATSSS Association
- Comunidad Iberoamericana de Sistemas de Conocimiento (CISC)*
- European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN) Steering Committee
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Capítulo Español-Portugal (ISKO Ibérico)
- Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Community (KGSW Community)
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Western Europe
Countries in this region: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Switzerland
Note: You may also want to browse the page with eLearning providers or the page with providers not categorized by region, country, and provider type.
- Fachhochschule Oberösterreich (FH OOE)
- Fachhochschule Wien der Wirtschaftskammer Wien (FHWien der WKW)*
- Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Burgenland (Hochschule Burgenland)
- Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU)
- Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (LFU)
- Montanuniversität Leoben (MU Leoben)
- Private Pädagogische Hochschule Burgenland (PPH Burgenland)*
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz)
- Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien)*
- Universität für Weiterbildung Krems (UWK)*
- Universität Klagenfurt*
- Universität Wien
- Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU)
- Academy4socialskills & FluxChange & Arbeit anders
- associative commitment & management (acm) quadrat*
- bit (best in training) group
- Business Innovation Consulting Austria (BIC-Austria)*
- Comelio*
- Graphwise (Ontotext & Semantic Web Company)
- Humboldt Bildungsgesellschaft*
- Innovation Service Network (ISN)
- KMA Knowledge Management Associates (KM Associates)
- knowhow*
- Management-Institut Dr. A. Kitzmann
- MB Informationsdesign (MBI)*
- platinus Consulting*
- Quality Austria*
- ServiceNow
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- SUCCON Schachner & Partner
- symbiosis Organisationsberatung*
- USU Software
- Vienna International School of Thought (VIST)*
- WBI Wissensmanagement
- WISSENnetworx*
- wissensmanagement – das Magazin für Digitalisierung, Vernetzung & Collaboration
- Corporate Learning Community (CLC)
- Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement (GfWM)
- Global Association of Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) Communities (GASC)
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- International Council on Knowledge Management (ICKM)
- International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: German Chapter (German ISKO)
- International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
- Knowledge Management Austria – Institut für Wissensmanagement
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- New Club of Paris (NCP)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG)*
- Peter Drucker Society Europe (PDSE)
- Plattform Wissensmanagement (PWM)*
- Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft (RSA FG)
- Semantic Technology Institute International (STI International)
- ServiceNow
- Society for Organizational Learning Austria (SoL Austria)*
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- TÜV Austria
- USU Software
- Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ)
- Wissenschaftszentrum Wien (WZW)*
- Wissensmanagement Forum (WMF)
- Controller Institut*
- Corporate Learning Community (CLC)
- DEXA Society
- FH Joanneum Gesellschaft*
- Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS) Committee
- Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement (GfWM)
- Global Association of Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) Communities (GASC)
- Graphwise (Ontotext & Semantic Web Company)
- HRM Institute
- Institut zur Erforschung und Förderung regionaler und transnationaler Kulturprozesse (INST)*
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- International Council on Knowledge Management (ICKM)
- International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: German Chapter (German ISKO)
- International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
- Knowledge Management Austria – Institut für Wissensmanagement
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (LFU)
- Montanuniversität Leoben (MU Leoben)
- New Club of Paris (NCP)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG)*
- Peter Drucker Society Europe (PDSE)
- Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft (RSA FG)
- Semantic Technology Institute International (STI International)
- Socialware*
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- symbiosis Organisationsberatung*
- Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz)
- Universität für Weiterbildung Krems (UWK)*
- Universität Klagenfurt*
- Universität Wien
- USU Software
- Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU)
- wissensmanagement – das Magazin für Digitalisierung, Vernetzung & Collaboration
- Anecdote International
- DNV Group
- IMA International
- Knoco
- Knowliah
- MDF Training & Consultancy*
- MentoringCo
- Pioneer Spirit International*
- ServiceNow
- White Ravens Consulting
- European Academy of Management (EURAM)
- European Consortium for the Learning Organisation (ECLO)*
- European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)*
- European Group for Organisational Studies (EGOS)
- European Industrial Management Research Association (EIMRA)
- Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation (GKPF)*
- Global Think-Tank for Organizational Tacit Knowledge Management (GO-TKM)
- International Semantic and FAIR Knowledge Graph Alliance (KGA)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Low Countries Chapter (ISKO LC)
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- ServiceNow
- SuperCoP KM*
- The Conference Board (TBC)
- ECML PKDD community
- European Academy of Management (EURAM)
- European Consortium for the Learning Organisation (ECLO)*
- European Group for Organisational Studies (EGOS)
- Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation (GKPF)*
- Global Think-Tank for Organizational Tacit Knowledge Management (GO-TKM)
- International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC)*
- International Semantic and FAIR Knowledge Graph Alliance (KGA)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Low Countries Chapter (ISKO LC)
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- The Conference Board (TBC)
- Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM)
- École Centrale Paris (ECP)*
- emlyon Business School*
- Groupe École Supérieure de Commerce de Troyes (Groupe ESC Troyes)*
- Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT)
- Kedge Business School
- SKEMA Business School
- Sorbonne Université
- Université de Bourgogne (uB)*
- Université de Lorraine (UL)
- Université de Strasbourg (Unistra)
- Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT)*
- Université Gustave Eiffel
- Université Lumière Lyon 2 (ULY2)*
- Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1)
- Université Paris-Sud (Paris 11)
- Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (UPVM)*
- Anecdote International
- Ardans
- Bassetti Group
- Demos Group*
- Euro Training Global (ETL)
- Innovation Service Network (ISN)
- Knowledge Associates (Cambridge)
- LCA Performances*
- Learning Tree International*
- ServiceNow
- Straits Knowledge
- USU Software
- Weka Group
- 21st Century Knowledge Management Group*
- Association COP-1 Knowledge Management
- Association Française pour l’Intelligence Artificielle (Afia)
- Association Internationale Francophone d’Extraction et de Gestion des Connaissances (EGC)
- Association pour la Gestion des Connaissances dans la Société et les Organisations (AGeCSO)
- Club Gestion des Connaissances (Club GC)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Chapitre français (ISKO France)
- Kedge Business School
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- ProKnow Club
- ServiceNow
- Society for Organizational Learning France (SoL France)
- USU Software
- 21st Century Knowledge Management Group*
- Association COP-1 Knowledge Management
- Association Française pour l’Intelligence Artificielle (Afia)
- Association Internationale Francophone d’Extraction et de Gestion des Connaissances (EGC)
- Association pour la Gestion des Connaissances dans la Société et les Organisations (AGeCSO)
- Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty (IPMU) Committee
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Chapitre français (ISKO France)
- International Symposium on the Management of Industrial and Corporate Knowledge Society (ISMICK Society)*
- Kedge Business School
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Université Paris-Sud (Paris 11)
- USU Software
- Veille Magazine*
- Apollon Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft (APOLLON Hochschule)*
- Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg*
- Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU)
- Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW)
- Fachhochschule Potsdam (FHP)
- Graduate School Rhein-Neckar (GSRN)*
- Helmut-Schmidt-Universität – Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (HSU/UniBwH)*
- Hochschule Darmstadt (h_da)*
- Hochschule der Medien (HdM)
- Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW Berlin)*
- Hochschule Hannover (HsH)
- Hochschule Reutlingen*
- Jacobs University Bremen (Jacobs University)*
- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
- Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)*
- Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (OVGU)
- Quadriga Hochschule Berlin
- Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen)*
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB)
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- Technische Hochschule Köln (TH Köln)
- Technische Universität Chemnitz (TU Chemnitz)*
- Technische Universität Dortmund (TU Dortmund)*
- Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE)*
- Universität Hamburg (UHH)
- Universität Heidelberg*
- Universität Kassel*
- Universität Koblenz
- Universität Leipzig
- Universität Mannheim (UMA)*
- Universität Potsdam
- Universität Rostock
- Universität zu Köln
- Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule (WBH)*
- Akademie für Management und Nachhaltigkeit*
- alfatraining Bildungszentrum
- Amontis Consulting*
- ArtSet Forschung Bildung Beratung
- Bayern Innovativ – Bayerische Gesellschaft für Innovation und Wissenstransfer
- Beratung und Vermittlung Michael Lehnert (BuV Lehnert)*
- Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft Gruppe (bbw-Gruppe)
- C-Topic Consulting
- Cegos Integrata
- CeHa-Consulting
- Celecta Consulting & Training *
- CoBeT® – Coaching-Beratung-Training*
- Cogneon
- Comelio*
- Core Business Development (Core)*
- Cornelsen Verlag*
- CQ Beratung+Bildung*
- Das kluge Unternehmen*
- Demos Group*
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)*
- Die WissensManufaktur*
- DNV Group
- Dr. Kai Rombhardt
- Empolis Unternehmensgruppe
- Entelechy – The realisation of potential
- Eurofocus International Consultants*
- Euroforum Deutschland*
- European Research Center for Knowledge and Innovation (eureki)*
- F.A.Z.-Institut für Management-, Markt- und Medieninformationen (F.A.Z.-Institut)*
- FORUM Institut für Management*
- Friedrichsbad-Team*
- GFU Cyrus
- Grundig Akademie für Wirtschaft und Technik gemeinnützige Stiftung
- Haufe Group
- HRnetworx
- IFM Institut für Managementberatung
- infomarketing (im)*
- Innovation Service Network (ISN)
- Institut für Management & Kommunikation (IMK)*
- Involva-Gruppe*
- jaegerWM
- KAYENTA® Training und Beratung*
- KMA Knowledge Management Associates (KM Associates)
- KnowledgeFactory*
- Knowles Training Institute
- Knowtrek
- Kongress Media
- KontextWork
- Management Circle*
- Management-Institut Dr. A. Kitzmann
- Manager Institut Bildung für die Wirtschaft
- Markt & Management Sustainability in Business*
- metanoia-consulting
- MIRA.Digital*
- Nordlicht-Akademie*
- OctaVIA*
- Prof. Binner Akademie (PBAKA)
- Pumacy Technologies
- reinisch
- sciNOVIS
- Seminarzentrum Göttingen (SZG)*
- Seneca AG*
- ServiceNow
- Seven Principles (7P)*
- Siemens Qualifizierung und Training (SQT)*
- StarkStrom Projektcoaching*
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- synartIQ
- System + Kommunikation
- TWS Consulting*
- Unique Conceptions*
- USU Software
- VOLLMAR Wissen+Kommunikation
- WEGA-Team*
- Weka Group
- WISSENnetworx*
- Wissensbilanz Deutschland
- Wissenschaftliches Beraternetzwerk Narrata Consult (Narrata Consult)
- wissensmanagement – das Magazin für Digitalisierung, Vernetzung & Collaboration
- Wissensmanagement Akademie*
- Arbeitskreis Wissensmanagement Karlsruhe (AKWM)*
- Bitkom*
- Bundesregierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI)*
- Bundesverband Wissensbilanzierung (BVWB)
- Corporate Learning Community (CLC)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Information und Wissen (DGI)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung (DGFP)*
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität (DGQ)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)
- Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK)
- Entwicklungspartnerschaft Gender Mainstreaming in der Informationsgesellschaft (Gender Mainstreaming IT)*
- European Regiowiki Society (ERS)*
- Förderkreis IT- und Medien-Wirtschaft München (FIWM)*
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung (FHG)
- Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg*
- Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)
- Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement (GfWM)
- Hochschulverband Informationswissenschaft (HI)
- Industrie-Arbeitskreis Wissensmanagement in der Praxis (WIMIP)*
- Institut für Knowledge Management (IKM)*
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: German Chapter (German ISKO)
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- KnowledgeClub*
- Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg (MFG)*
- Münchener Knowledge Management Kreis (MK2)*
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- RKW Rationalisierungs- und Innovationszentrum der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.
- Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA)
- ServiceNow
- Stadtwiki-Gesellschaft zur Förderung regionalen Freien Wissens*
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- TÜV Austria
- USU Software
- Verband der Technischen Überwachungsvereine (VdTÜV)
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI)
- WiMaps – Münchener Arbeitskreis Wissensmanagement*
- Wirtschafts- und Sozialakademie der Arbeitnehmerkammer Bremen (wisoak)*
- Wissen NordHessen*
- wvib Schwarzwald*
- Arbeitskreis Wissensmanagement Karlsruhe (AKWM)*
- Bitkom*
- Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels*
- Bundesregierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg*
- Cogneon
- Corporate Learning Community (CLC)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Information und Wissen (DGI)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)*
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung (DGFP)*
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)
- Didacta Ausstellungs- und Verlagsgesellschaft
- digiprimo*
- Empolis Unternehmensgruppe
- Euroforum Deutschland*
- European Regiowiki Society (ERS)*
- forestXchange Conference Consortium*
- Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS) Committee
- Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)
- Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte (GUG)*
- Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement (GfWM)
- Hochschule Reutlingen*
- Hochschulverband Informationswissenschaft (HI)
- HRM Institute
- HRnetworx
- ICWE – Integrated Communications, Worldwide Events
- Institut für Knowledge Management (IKM)*
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: German Chapter (German ISKO)
- Internationales Institut für Sozio-Informatik (IISI)*
- Karlsruher Messe- und Kongress Gesellschaft
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Kongress Media
- Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK) Conference Committee
- Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)*
- metalogikon*
- newthinking communications
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA)
- Social Computing Association
- Stadtwiki-Gesellschaft zur Förderung regionalen Freien Wissens*
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- Technische Hochschule Köln (TH Köln)
- Universität Heidelberg*
- Universität Koblenz
- USU Software
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI)
- wissensmanagement – das Magazin für Digitalisierung, Vernetzung & Collaboration
- Zentrum für Foren in der grafischen Datenverarbeitung (ZGDV)*
- Currently no universities/colleges listed.
- Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)*
- Maastricht University
- The Network University (TNU)*
- Tilburg University (TiU)*
- Universiteit Utrecht (UU)*
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam)*
- Be informed*
- Digital Fitness International
- DNV Group
- efios*
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- Knoco
- MDF Training & Consultancy*
- Pioneer Spirit International*
- Pro Education*
- ServiceNow
- weknowmore*
- Zetetic*
- Dutch Knowledge Management Network
- European Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management (EUDOKMA)*
- Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC)*
- International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB)
- International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Low Countries Chapter (ISKO LC)
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
- Maastricht Knowledge Management Group (MKM Group)*
- ServiceNow
- Society for Organizational Learning Netherlands (SoL Netherlands)
- Advisory Council for Research on Spatial Planning, Nature and the Environment (RMNO)*
- Digital Fitness International
- European Space Agency (ESA)*
- Foundation for Legal Knowledge Based Systems (JURIX)
- International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB)
- International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Low Countries Chapter (ISKO LC)
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW)*
- Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (FFHS)
- Haute école de gestion de Genève (HEG)*
- Hochschule Luzern (HSLU)*
- Höhere Berufsbildung Uster (HBU)
- Institut für Kommunikation & Führung (IKF)
- Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund (MGB)*
- Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (OST)*
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- Universität Bern
- Universität Luzern (UNILU)*
- Universität St. Gallen (HSG)
- Université de Genève (UNIGE)*
- Zürcher Fachhochschule (ZFH)
- Acies Innovations
- AHT Intermediation
- Auer Consulting & Partner
- Betty Zucker Management Beratung
- Comelio*
- DouglasConnect*
- Graphwise (Ontotext & Semantic Web Company)
- IFM Institut für Managementberatung
- iKnowledge*
- Innovation Service Network (ISN)
- Katz & Partner*
- Knowledge for Business (K4B)
- Management-Institut Dr. A. Kitzmann
- Manager Institut Bildung für die Wirtschaft
- PerformNet*
- SAQ-Qualicon*
- ServiceNow
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- WISSENnetworx*
- Wissenstransfer
- Zazuko
- Corporate Learning Community (CLC)
- International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: German Chapter (German ISKO)
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- ServiceNow
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- Swiss Knowledge Management Forum (SKMF)
- Swiss Knowledge Management Think Table (SKMTT)
- Corporate Learning Community (CLC)
- Euresearch Association*
- Graphwise (Ontotext & Semantic Web Company)
- Haute école de gestion de Genève (HEG)*
- HRM Institute
- International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA)
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: German Chapter (German ISKO)
- International World Wide Web Conferences (IW3C2) Steering Committee*
- Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
- Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung (StW)
- Universität St. Gallen (HSG)
- Zazuko